Cathy McElderry - Internet Scoping School
  • Female
  • Missoula, Montana
  • United States
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  • Al
  • Laura LaBonte
  • Cristi L. Gallagher
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  • Christine Finck
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  • LuAnn Fuller
  • Joan Hurtis
  • kami473
  • Laura Boyd
  • Linda C.
  • Kristie Berger
  • Nancy J. Davilla
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  • Aarika Cottingham

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Comment Wall (17 comments)

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At 19:53 on December 13, 2009, Terry L. Kozakevich, RPR said…
Dear Cathy,

I'm a court reporter leaving the field to take care of my fiancee who is ill. I'm trying to become a scopist and was referred to this site. I'm brand new here and green when it comes to this. Can you give me any tips or pointers on how to advertise and work as a scopist? I'd appreciate all your help. Thanks. Terry Kozakevich
At 11:36 on August 27, 2009, Karen Goldstein said…
Thanks. Just so you know, I also called you. I guess you didn't get the message. But thanks anyway. I've found someone.
At 19:48 on August 26, 2009, Debbie Michaud said…
Hi Cathy:
This is the first time that I have been on this site. I started court reporting school a little over a year ago. I would love to start proofreading or scoping. Can you maybe give me some direction, I am not sure where to start. Thanks Debbie
At 20:15 on August 19, 2009, Karen Goldstein said…
Hi Cathy,

I have about 160-170 pages that need to be scoped (Case CAT) against digital audio and proofread, normal turnaround. Do you have anyone good and reliable to recommend?

I can't promise regular work, but every once in a while, like now, I get backlogged and need some help. The scopist I usually use is not able to do it this time because she's working on 3 days worth of dailies.


Karen Goldstein
At 12:35 on May 5, 2009, Laura Boyd said…

Thanks for inviting me on this site. How can I send you a private message?

At 10:40 on April 29, 2009, Joan Hurtis said…
Hi Cathy! I took training with ISS and really enjoyed it. I have been scoping for 2 years now and just love it. Nice to see you here on CSR Nation.

At 9:46 on March 27, 2009, cassie frasher said…
I'm looking for a quality scopist...any suggestions?
At 16:51 on November 24, 2008, Jomanna DeRosa said…
I'm an experienced realtime court reporter with over 16 yrs in the field. I do have a primary scopist, but because of the volume of work I take and the amount of dailies/expedites I have, I need to have a full-time secondary scopist. I am looking for someone who can handle taking an additional 150-200 pgs per week/every week, who MUST BE ABLE to split dailies/expedites. Audio sync capabilities is a must!! Please call asap because I have more work than I can handle and am only looking for someone who is top notch and reliable.
At 6:39 on June 8, 2008, Maria Ellicott said…
I've forgotten my ISS Virtual Classroom and forum passwords, can you help me reset them?
At 13:39 on April 11, 2008, Linda C. said…
Hi, Cathy,
Thanks for that info. I am enjoying this site, too. It's actually kind of fun to play around adding photos, videos, music, and playing around with the way my page looks (good way to spend a short break from scoping during the day).

Take care!

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