Karen Mc
  • Female
  • Fairfax Station, VA
  • United States
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  • Rhonda R. Harris, CSR
  • Janiece Young
  • Deitra Caffey
  • Jessie Edwards

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Karen Mc's Discussions

Catalyst realtime problems
2 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Patricia Harris Vernon Sep 11, 2008.


Karen Mc's Page

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At 10:08 on September 28, 2009, MICHELE LAMBIE, CSR, RPR said…
Hi Karen: I finally figured it out. Thanks so much. Yes, we are neighbors!
At 12:52 on March 15, 2009, Chuck Motter said…
No problem, Karen. I was actually in Mexico last week too. I'm back in Kansas City and happy to be here :)
At 15:23 on March 7, 2009, Chuck Motter said…
Hi, Karen. I just now figured out that your message was here. Yes, I left Purple (or more appropriately, I feel like they left me) but life is good. Nice hearing from you.
At 6:39 on December 29, 2008, OSH said…
Hey Karen,
I apologize for the lack of information. I didn't even realize my name wasn't posted on the site! LOL!! Its Okeemah and my e-mail is Okelly8139@msn.com. Feel free to contact me through either one. I do have availability this week. Let me know the dates and we'll move from there.
At 20:40 on December 17, 2008, OSH said…
Hey Karen!! Nice to hear from you? I don't believe we've ever met, but I'm always interested in networking/meeting nice folks!! :) That's cool that you were the president of GWSRA!! How exciting!! I believe you left me a message for a last minute dep you needed coverage with? I apologize for the late notice. I was previously booked anyhow. I wish I could have helped you out!! Please keep me in mind for other jobs you may need coverage for. How long have you had your agency for?? Do you have a lot of overflow work?? Feel free to give me a call on my cell if you should ever find yourself in a bind again. It's 413-478-7815. Leave me a text (I can respond quicker.) Let's touch base with each other real soon!!! Thanks again for thinking of me!
At 17:00 on December 3, 2008, Jessie Edwards said…
Hi Karen,
I am a scopist and proofreader with two years of experience. If and when you are in need of those services, I'm happy to help you out. I offer competitive rates, a discount of the first file I work on for you, and a quick turnaround.
Have a wonderful evening.
At 10:57 on October 9, 2008, Kelli Combs (admin) said…
you respond to the depos by calling the phone# that the agency includes in the job offer email that you get.
sadly the groups that you are a part of are fairly new, give it some time till more members and agencies find out about it.
It should be like the bay area and the New York group soon.
At 7:38 on October 9, 2008, Deitra Caffey said…
Have you worked with a videographer in your area? This deposition is also video. Please let me know.
At 7:29 on October 9, 2008, Deitra Caffey said…
That would be wonderful. Please send me your email address at dcaffey@discoveryresource.com and I will send you all the information and get some information from you. Thank you so much. Also this job is a next day turn around. I am not sure if i posted that information yesterday. Let me know if you are still interested.

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