Reid Bryce Robbins
  • Male
  • Minnetonka, MN
  • United States
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  • Denise Nowak
  • Caryn Kellner
  • Myrina Kleinschmidt
  • James Otterson
  • Vanessa Obas
  • Laura Tirronen, RPR/RMR
  • Merilee Johnson Wait
  • Cheree Murphy-Carlson
  • Christine (Steno Nerd)
  • Ann M. Record
  • Caryn Kellner
  • Van
  • Kathy  Mullen
  • Leann Barrick
  • Janet Mansfield

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court reporter
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Case Catalyst

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At 12:12 on September 5, 2013, Caryn Kellner said…

Hey Reid!  I joined this so that I might be informed of jobs to cover, as you send them to me.  I can't seem to figure out how to "friend" you or get notifications.  Any hints?

Caryn Kellner

At 8:47 on November 25, 2009, Kelli Combs (admin) said…
Hello, Reid

Thanks for the nail polish suggestion. Petty cute. How funny would that look every time a exhibit is marked I snap my fingers and someone else comes in the room and marks the exhibit. Great idea!!
At 5:33 on October 29, 2009, Jim Trapskin said…
Hi, Reid

I cannot say enough good things about eclipse. It's the best cat system I have ever owned. There are so many features that can be customized to your own style, and the systems support is fantastic. Granted there may be times where it's busy, but even when that happens I get a return call promptly.

They also hand out freely the Bridge program (realtime viewing software for attorneys) to anyone and everybody without charge. Unlike the big "S" who charges $600 to court reporters for their comparable program. While all the cat vendors have agreed on the bridge protocol so that no matter what system you're on, you can use the program ,and as you make additions/corrections on your realtime file, it will refresh from the beginning of the file foward, the big "S" has refused to go along. Why am I not surprised.

Not only that, if you buy the yearly 24/7 support, all updates to the program are 100% free. and if you're trying to get a transcript out at 3:00 a.m. and run into trouble, no problem, call support and they will respond promptly.

I know Greg Seeley personally and there isn't a more forthright and honest person in the industry. And their head programmer Jeremy is fabulous. He's a brilliant guy that can input new changes pretty quickly.

You just cannot go wrong with this software. Hope this helps
At 5:38 on October 28, 2009, Chrissy Miller said…
Oh how I have missed shooting video since I arrived here in Bemidji. I got my name out to local attorneys, and tried to contact local court reporters to no avail. I had to take a regular job in the mean time, but I would be grateful to get back to the video world. It is so slow that we are probably going to move back to Houston to resume our business there by the end of the year. Thanks for finding me and thanks in advance for any work you can send my way.
At 22:04 on October 20, 2009, Christine (Steno Nerd) said…
Hi, Reid.

Thanks so much for all the nice words! :)

I just emailed you...

Hope to talk with you soon! Thank you for the opportunity.

At 16:33 on October 19, 2009, Christine (Steno Nerd) said…
Hi, Reid.

Thanks for the friend add and good wishes about school! I hope you're right! ;)

Thanks also for your consideration with sending me some jobs. I would love to receive them... anytime! ;)

Thanks again...

Have a great day!

At 12:29 on October 11, 2009, Quyen said…
There is no way I could mistake hearing tramerizer for ionizer. It is, in fact, tramerizer, though. Thx.
At 20:22 on August 28, 2009, Kathy Mullen said…
Hello Reid, miss you very much. Hope all is well with you. your long lost friend, Kathy
At 6:47 on June 11, 2009, Judy said…

I saw your post re billing for an O&2. What an interesting idea. I'm in So Cal, where they stip away my Original to opposing counsel so he can obtain the sig, which then they don't have to order a copy (most of the time).

There's no way we, the small outfits, can stay in business if we take the approach of "No, you can't do that." We'd lose clients.

But if we word it, You get charged $X.xx for an O&2 automatically (and we'll have to keep it close to the charges others are charging for an O&1 or we'll just cut our throats), but $X.xx for an O&1 when opposing counsel purchases their own copy, I wonder if that's a way we can get our clients out of the mindset of giving away our original.

Of course we'd have to price it so we're making a profit.

Very interesting. I'm going to have to think about that one. Thanks.
At 4:47 on March 3, 2009, Renee said…
Thanks for the advice. Anything helps.
I think your speaking at our school would be a good idea. Our instructor & director would have to get involved. I know the students would like it. Let me know if you would like to get a hold of our director of the program and I can give you her name, phone, e-mail and also ask her it it would be o.k. That would be great!

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