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  • St. Paul, Minnesota
  • United States
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  • Reid Bryce Robbins
  • Jessica

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At 6:53 on March 3, 2009, Reid Bryce Robbins said…
Definitely that would be the route to go. If they are interested there, let me know. It might be fun to do. Just send me the contact info if they would like to talk to me.
At 17:46 on February 28, 2009, Reid Bryce Robbins said…
So you are building your captioning skills in that school as well? I have heard that Anoka Votech had a court reporting program of some kind. Let them know if they ever need a speaker, I will be glad to come in and talk to them about reporting around the country. I used to do that for Rasmussen when they had a court reporting program. That is where I went to school.

Hopefully I can help you and some of the other students figure out some things to do to put on your resume' for when you get out of school. Tough competition for jobs, but there is definitely work. Try and do something, even on a voluntary basis, that gets you some good experience that you can draw on later.
At 6:44 on February 27, 2009, Reid Bryce Robbins said…
I am freelance. I have kept pretty busy.

Do you work outside of school as well? It must keep you very busy! I didn't even realize we still had reporting schools in the Twin Cities.
At 17:31 on February 26, 2009, Reid Bryce Robbins said…
I am a court reporter in Minnetonka. Looking forward to seeing you out in the field of reporting. How long until you are finished up?
At 11:41 on December 9, 2008, Jessica said…
Hello Renee,

Sorry it took me so long to get back to you, I haven't logged on for a bit. Anyways, has your husband taken the Hawaii job yet? Are you here? There are actually no schools here in Hawaii that offer court reporting classes because of the high drop out rates. They used to offer courses at KCC, I believe...but they shut it down. CRID actually has two campuses, one in Dallas and the other in Houston. I go to CRID Online. I am now in my third quarter and finishing up theory. If you want more info about the school you can go to the website: :)
At 16:36 on August 14, 2008, Nicolete said…
I'm just ending my first trimester. I'm only three months. LOL. I think I'm due at the end of February. I forgot.
At 14:17 on August 14, 2008, Nicolete said…
Oh, duh! We've already met. It's the pregnancy nausea meds gettin' to me. How are you, by the way?
At 13:59 on August 14, 2008, JiLL said…
BesT wiShES...yOu wIll D0 jUST finE th0!
At 13:30 on August 14, 2008, Nicolete said…
Hello, I'm Nikki; I'm a CR student also. You have beautiful pictures.
At 7:13 on August 12, 2008, JiLL said…
N0tta ProBleM evEr! I am worKing 0n paSSing 80 wpm. Are U juSt begInninG the PrograM?

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