Veronica Velez
  • Female
  • Whittier, CA
  • United States
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Veronica Velez's Friends

  • sonja m. reed
  • Maria Camacho
  • Karen Lee Woods
  • Micki England
  • Kristal Hill
  • Gaby Gomez
  • Zaira
  • Denise L. Robles
  • April Luengas
  • Carla-Maria

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Veronica Velez's Blog

Question on Unsecured Property Tax Bill

Hi, my name is Veronica. I am a new court reporter and received for the first time ever in my life a bill from the Treasurer and Tax Collecor for Los Angeles. I called them to ask what it was and they said it is because I am leasing my steno machine, a Stetnura Fushion, that I have to pay property taxes on it. I then tried calling the compnay, Univest, but they are closed for the day (They are Eastern Standar time). I do have a contract on rent to own with zero interest, but nohting was… Continue

Posted on June 25, 2009 at 15:27 — 6 Comments

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At 11:23 on October 28, 2009, sonja m. reed said…
how exciting! i knew good things were in store for you! and you seem to have the right balance -- working only part time. smart lady!
At 19:19 on August 20, 2009, Carla-Maria said…
Hey, Veronica! Just wanted to say thanks for the books. I know they'll come in handy! Hope you are well!
At 9:20 on August 10, 2009, Micki England said…
Hello Veronica, this is me, Micki. Can you believe that I am actually trying this CSRnation site; I can't. This is uncharted waters for me.
Hope all is well with you and your family. I miss you.
Have a fantabulous day, Micki
At 17:48 on July 30, 2009, Teresa Russ said…
Thank you so much, Veronica. I feel I can handle that. Good technique. I feel that is my style too.
At 12:07 on July 30, 2009, Teresa Russ said…
Hi Veronica, how are you doing these days? I've been using the supplies you gave me. I've been doing some administrative hearings while I wait for the results. Hope to hear from you soon.
At 10:12 on July 25, 2009, Teresa Russ said…
Hi Veronica, hope you're doing well. When you have a chance, please read my blog re: interrupting the proceedings. I would very much appreciate your experiences. I'm trying to build my confidence in this area. I'm sure others would appreciate this as well.
At 21:13 on July 2, 2009, Teresa Russ said…
Hey, so glad to hear from you so soon. Well, I took the June test. It was a good test. We'll see. I didn't realize I would get so nervous. I'm learning
to control that. I had plan to return to school, but
I hope to work. Grand jury, wow. So glad to hear you're busy
and loving it. How's your family?
At 18:47 on July 1, 2009, Teresa Russ said…
Hi Veronica, how's it going?
At 13:56 on March 26, 2009, Denise L. Robles said…
How are you doing, Veronica? Are you still working for Huntington?
How do you like it?
At 10:17 on March 4, 2009, Teresa Russ said…
Veronica, thanks so much for the encouraging words. I took the Feb. exam. I performed better this time, but I do not know whether I might have to take it in June. I'm ok with that. We'll just have to wait and see. I think of you often. That was so sweet of you to make a gift to me of the items I will need. I cannot thank you enough. So do you love being a a court reporter?

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