Teri C Gibson's Blog (7)

Eclipse Training


I am available to take on new students.  Spring is here, and I am ready to help you!  Our manual can be very confusing for many, I understand.  I have been using the software for over 20 years now, allowing me to create an individual plan for you and provide group training.  During the training, we focus on foundation skills, which give you knowledge of everything you need to know to start working.  All my students also work with me on transcripts so that they have experience…


Added by Teri C Gibson on April 9, 2023 at 21:24 — No Comments

Total Eclipse Foundation Training - Improve your skills!

Total Eclipse Training for the individual who is a court reporter, scopist, or proofreader who wants to learn a new skill.  Many have fallen in love with the Total Eclipse Software for realtime and transcript production, but have not learned all the powerful tools that can make their realtime and editing skills go to a higher level.  Many are feeling overwhelmed!  They try to teach…


Added by Teri C Gibson on May 21, 2020 at 7:46 — No Comments

Total Eclipse Foundation Training - Federal Reporter Signed up!

A Federal Official, Paula Barden, signed up for Total Eclipse Foundation Training, one-on-one with Teri Gibson. The training has 10 sessions. We are excited to share with you that after just five sessions, she learned how to improve her realtime skills, update her dictionary, and apply what she had learned to improve her results on the Certifying Realtime Reporter Test. We are accepting students for one-on-one training! Get individualized training so that you can improve your editing…


Added by Teri C Gibson on May 7, 2020 at 7:43 — No Comments

Improve your skills! Total Eclipse Foundation Training

Gibson Skill Development and Training Center LLC

Teri Gibson,  RPR, CRR, CRC, CRI

Professional Court Reporter

Teri Gibson began her career as a  Certified Shorthand Reporter and began her profession as a Freelance Court Reporter in 1981.  The shorthand skill that she used is called stenography.  She has worked as a Court Reporter, CART Provider/CART Captioner and Total Eclipse Trainer.…


Added by Teri C Gibson on May 7, 2020 at 7:36 — No Comments

Create your own Exhibit Stickers & Mark Exhibits Remotely - Earn CEUs!

As court reporters, we are constantly buying exhibit stickers that are made for us.  Well, now you can learn how to create your own stickers and also how you can mark exhibits remotely in a Zoom meeting.  You can also apply for CEUs.  There is a quiz at the end of the course - True/False questions.

Sign up here! 
Click here.

Added by Teri C Gibson on May 7, 2020 at 6:58 — No Comments

Stenography and Training for Total Eclipse Software


I am a working court reporter and also getting into training.

I started my career in 1981.  I have worked as a freelance reporter,

CART Provider, Federal Official Reporter - today I work as a deposition

court reporter and CART Provider.

You can learn about me from my Facebook group.  I have created videos there and share information about court reporting and sharing a day in the life of a court reporter by sharing what the environment looks like and…


Added by Teri C Gibson on February 14, 2020 at 1:44 — No Comments

Total Eclipse Training by Teri Gibson, Authorized Total Eclipse Trainer

Teri C. Gibson, Professional Court Reporter & Authorized Total Eclipse Trainer

Gibson Skill Development and Training Center

E-mail:  info@gibsonskilldevelopment.com



Added by Teri C Gibson on February 14, 2020 at 1:43 — No Comments

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