I haven't been on in forever, but I'm back! Well, maybe for a little while at least ...

I've been very busy working on transcripts and being in court, and YES, I've been practicing. I'm just taking the skills section of the RMR, so we'll see how it goes in May! Will any and everyone who was following my RMR blog update me on what's been going on with you and yours? Either on this blog or the other one or through personal message would be cool. I'd like that :) Byeeeee!

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Comment by Dennis Zambataro on April 6, 2009 at 7:49
Jessica, I need some input from a K.C. reporter. I just finished a long arbitration in K.C. The lawyers representing one of the sides is balking at taking responsibility for my final invoice, claiming that their client hired me, although I've never spoken to their client about ordering transcript and have literally scores of communications between their lawyers and paralegals concerning delivery of daily transcripts, rough drafts, finals, and even the ordering of the original by one of their paralegals via email. What is the law in Kansas regarding ordering of transcript and responsibility of lawyers for payment? Your input would be greatly appreciated. This is a large national law firm with offices in K.C.

So much for assiging any value to the term "officer of the court." It apparently has no significance to these guys. If I don't get paid soon I am going to start spreading the word nationwide on the deadbeats.

Thanks for your input.

Comment by Kelli Combs (admin) on March 30, 2009 at 10:17
Glad to hear your back too!
I was wondering what happened to you, I am glad you are doing good.
I work like 18 hours a day on 3 businesses, something has to work soon.


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