I am so happy that I just have to share my joy.

My boyfriend, significant other, partner -- I hate the term "boyfriend" at my age -- had an acting part in the movie "The Color of Money" in 1986 with Paul Newman and Tom Cruise. In fact, Paul Newman received his first Academy Award for playing Fast Eddie Nelson in this movie.

How my boyfriend got the part was that he's a well-known professional pool player: Wikipedia article of Keith McCready

During the U.S. Open 9-Ball Championship in 1985, Martin Scorsese came to Norfolk seeking pool players to play roles in his movie. One evening, my boyfriend was engaged in a game of stakes, and the whole place surrounded his table. He likes to yack it up with the audience a la Minnesota Fats when he's playing pool, and the more engaged the audience, the better he plays pool. Martin loved him and wanted him to play Grady Seasons in the movie. Here's a short YouTube clip of him in that role: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vOdhQHC4BQ

Today, Keith and I are just trying to live happily ever after, without being as involved in the pool world. A couple of weeks ago, the phone rang, and Keith answered it. I heard him say to the caller several times, "Are you sure this isn't a prank?" This made my ears perk, and then I spoke to the guy on the phone.

It turns out that the Screen Actors Guild has been searching for Keith since 1987 to send him residuals from his role in the movie. We had to fax SAG some identification proof and tax information. We are -- I mean Keith is -- LOL -- receiving over a big chunk of cheese, 22 years of residuals for his part in the movie. Now that they found him, he will continue to get his residuals.

I'm on CLOUD NINE right now, giddy with happiness. I just want to scream it from the mountaintops, but I figured this forum would be a better option. It's not enough to retire on, but it sure will make a difference in our comfort level today. :-)

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Comment by Janet on November 25, 2009 at 9:56
What a great surprise! Take a nice trip, away from that computer!
Comment by Chris H on November 25, 2009 at 8:13
It's like finding money in your pockets before doing laundry, only compounded! That's great news. Congrats!
Comment by Tonja Hunter on November 25, 2009 at 7:45
well, how great for you all! wow!! Life is sweet sometimes, huh?

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