Tami's Comments

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At 15:41 on February 10, 2008, Amanda said…
OK, so that means the first of 2009? That's awhile away, any chance of things changing between now and then? I thought calendar for a year was supposed to be the downside of this assignment. I'll never understand why they put ex-DAs in family law court.

But whatever happens, one thing we're completely certain of: God is in control, and anything He purposes for our lives He will work for our good. The Bible says so, so who can argue? Keep the faith, it's well-placed!

I'm so glad we have Tuesday off! I'm dying, and I got nothing done this weekend... well, except work, at least there's that. But I need to go SHOPPING!!! I hope I'm up to it by Tuesday.

Oh, yeah, and the whole TB thing... well, let's just say if the judge can't see who of the two of you is the more reasonable and easier to work with, then he doesn't belong on the bench. He knows the truth, he worked with her when he was a DA. You just be you, and don't sweat it. I know, easy for me to say. But the best way to get back at her is to be super friendly and nice, it'll drive her up a wall!!! Mua-ha-ha...
At 15:33 on February 10, 2008, Amanda said…
OMG, I'm not liking all these changes. Do you really think Darla knew that he'd be going to Hemet? Shoot, now I forgot when you said he's going and I don't know how to look. Hold on.
At 9:33 on February 10, 2008, Amanda said…
Hi my friend,

Did you hear the sad news? You probably knew before I did. They're moving us up to the third floor. I'm so sad to leave my office and you and Darla! I feel like the third floor is a whole world away. Don't mind me getting mushy, I have this horrible cold (I'm bound and determined that it's not bronchitis), and I'm running a fever and have no voice. Hence, I'm sitting in bed with my computer trying to let my body get some rest, and finally came back online. I don't know how you find time, 201 is so hectic! How's it going so far? When are you moving your office? I can't wait until Thursday, I'm picking Kevin up at the airport at 8:05 a.m., we're meeting on Valentine's Day. Isn't it romantic? We've been talking on webcam, he's SO ADORABLE, I can't stand it. Do you think it would void the warranty on my computer's hard drive if I kissed the screen? I'M IN LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At 9:20 on February 10, 2008, Paula A. Pyburn, CSR, RPR, CLR said…
Hi Tami,

If I decide to come by to see you I'd like to give you some notice. What is a good time of day to visit? Should I call first?

That's awesome that both Clay and his girlfriend are doing so amazing! Where did they meet? Taking the RPR in May is a great idea. If they're using Mark K's helpful tips I'm confident they have a good chance of passing.

I visited Mark's website a bit to get some info on StenoMaster. Love what I saw - I just need to get my butt in gear.

Are both Clay and his girlfriend going to Cypress? I received an email from Cypress College this week that they're having an anniversary luncheon on March 7th so I'm going to try to attend. I think I have jury duty that week so...

The depo world is going fine. Staying fairly busy. I'm starting a three week arb on Monday that I'm splitting with another reporter. Have they hired the 12 new reporters yet where you're at or still openings?

How are your other children doing? Your youngest is how old?

Hopefully I'll see you soon and we can catch up.


At 10:07 on February 9, 2008, Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC said…

Okay, I'll blame my inner alien as well. One time - over twenty years ago - I was working in court and started writing in my notes, "I'm so bored. I can't believe I'm working in court listening to this stuff. What am I doing? I'm so bored ..." Maybe a year later I got a call from another reporter who had to look up something for the judge in my notes and had found my lament! So I never did that again. I'm sure you never do anything like that, right???
At 19:38 on February 8, 2008, Candice said…
Sorry it took me so long to respond..havn't been able to find the time for this thing w/ the school schedule hah.

The burgers were really good. Except we forgot to get the condiments! I love his new place. He's soo lucky. Everything looks great. Good job putting the place together. The heart balloons and the candy and everything were so cute ! You definetly should have been at Stevie Nicks with us. She's so amazing wow. We had such an awsome time :)

He said you're all going out to sushi tonight! Wish I could come! I miss you guys. I always seem to get tied down to babysitting on the weekends :/ I almost feel like he's my kid I watch him so much haha. I hope you are all having a a good time :)
At 14:01 on February 8, 2008, Laura Johnson said…
Okay. Thanks for telling me. I was wondering about that. I kept thinking how will she know I put something on there!! Duh!! I'll have to say "Hi" to Amanda. I loved looking at all your pictures. They're great! I didn't know you could put more than one photo. Well, have a great weekend!! Talk to you soon!!

What do you mean Amanda is in love? Is she dating? How exciting!!
At 5:11 on February 7, 2008, tracy said…
Hi, Tami! Now Cart-er has a name and a face :)
At 18:55 on February 6, 2008, Patricia said…
Yes, a new speed class -- sometimes they go too fast for me, but I like the push. I heard they have a 15-minute as well. They sure do type a lot at that school. As for me, I don't think I'll be doing that much typing there 'cause I have too many classes and it's not my main school anyway. I have so much to do! Aren't there are more academics nowadays? Maybe a dozen.

Living at an apartment on or near campus is so cool. No long driving trips saves a lot of time and gas.

Hope you have a terrific week, too, Tami!
At 19:33 on February 5, 2008, Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC said…

You are definitely working too hard and so am I. I wondered if someone had teased you about that massage post! I've truly been in such a state I've hardly been able to keep up with my necessary correspondence, much less chat with anyone on the phone or email. I've got to make a major attitude adjustment and figure out some kind of efficient job production over here or I'm ready for a burnout! I'm still in awe regarding your organizational powers. I don't believe it's all because your husband chips in either! You have some secrets, and I'm hoping you'll share them one day soon - Jenny
At 18:20 on February 5, 2008, Paula A. Pyburn, CSR, RPR, CLR said…
Hi Tami!

How's your new job going? I'd love to come by and see you. Do you have time during your lunch hour some days or are you just swamped?

How is school going for Clay? He's probably already passed most of his 200s by now.

Hope all is well.

Talk to you soon.

At 23:41 on February 2, 2008, Brenda Rogers said…
thanks, Tami! MWAH!
At 22:27 on February 2, 2008, Patricia Babits said…
NO, not yet. I'm working on adding my final S for plural and the final dz for -ing right now.
Cotati is a tiny town in Sonoma County about an hour north of San Francisco.
At 7:58 on February 1, 2008, Candice said…
thanks!! i was soo excited, but it took me failing a few of them b4 i got one! I'm sure Clay will be passing like 4 in a row pretty soon! We need 4 200/5 to get into qualifers. I can't believe we're almost at the end, it's so exciting.

and yeah he told me about the concert and I'm super excited. I wanted to see her before. Thanks for getting the tickets. You're awsome! That's kind of a bummer he has to move that day, but I'm sure everything will go smoothe.

What's new with you? Still liking the new job?
At 22:29 on January 31, 2008, Jenny Griffin, RMR CRR CCRR CRC said…

You're just working way too hard. When your brain is tired of proofing, take a break and gussy up your page. Here's where I went. http://dewittco.com/storefront/xcart/catalog/Wispy-Vintage-Fabric-Blue-Green--White-Floral-37-x-4-Yards-p-609301239.html

I did a print screen and then drew a box around what I wanted with my Viewpro program. Then I tiled it on this site. I'm assuming you have some kind of photo editing program on your computer. Just play for a while and stop thinking of new briefs, taxes, job and kids for a while! You'll feel all refreshed and ready for another long day at the office. But -hey - tomorrow is Friday - maybe you'll get off early. I hope so! Jenny
At 22:12 on January 31, 2008, Brenda Rogers said…
here it is! and your post is there. :D
At 22:07 on January 31, 2008, Brenda Rogers said…
I can't get in either :(
At 22:05 on January 31, 2008, Brenda Rogers said…
Oh, yes, do add Greta!! i'm going to go check Depoman now.
At 14:41 on January 25, 2008, Denise Hunter said…
Hi Tami,

Yeah - Mark K's package came w/ a month and a half of free dictation and it's really good. I've been practicing to it. I'm assuming Mary is the one dictating. It's dense lit. material. It's frustrating but I'm just taking it one day at a time. I also got 5 CDS, everything from theory to a boot camp which I still need to sit down and go over. This is such a "learning" profession. I don't think any of us will ever get Alzheimer's, what with our brain working so hard and so fast! Yep - busy mom of 4 teenagers - URGGGHG
At 20:58 on January 22, 2008, Janice McMoran said…
That doesn't surprise me about them wanting you to have your Associate's degree. Disappointing, but not surprising. These schools REALLY need to re-think who they are turning away. Did you know that your RPR gives you 24 college credits and the RMR an additional 3 for a total of 27? I'm not sure how that works and how you get the credit, but maybe that will give you what you need.

There's always those colleges that give you credit for "life experience." You've got plenty of that! LOL!

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