I have a witness (very smart, Ph.d) who says "co-location" but, yet, I hear "collocate" (COLE-LOCATE). I'm trying to be consistent, but she definitely pronounces them different. She also reads from two different zibs ~ one has "co-location" in it and one has "collocate" in it. Should I just put them in how I hear them each time and not worry about the inconsistencies?
To confuse things even more, she does say "co-located" too, but it's so fast I'm not sure which one she's saying! She's actually very fast throughout, so I would tend to think she's just slurring together "co-locate" and I'm just hearing "collocate," but since"collocate" is in a doc. and it's a real (the correct?) word, I'm being ultra-anal and obsessing on what to put each time. Maybe I've just done co-locate wrong all these years and should put in collocate and all its variations and move on!?!? Of course, this was probably clear as mud since I'm typing as I think ~ very dangerous :P
Help ~ someone just give me an answer so I can move on ;)) I'm starting to hate this word!