It's not often that you hear of attorneys writing letters to praise a court reporter. Sometimes, yeah, you'll get a thanks for doing a great job, which we all appreciate very much. But once in a while a reporter does such an awesome job that others sit up and take notice.

Well, Jeanese Johnson is one such terrific reporter.

This is a letter that an agency recently received about what a terrific job she has been doing and is doing. Many of you know Jeanese from the boards and know that she is a great reporter and an all around nice person. I think it's awesome that she is receiving recognition from the attorneys that she is working with as well.

I have an attached an excerpt from the letter. I have removed the agency name and information about the person who wrote the letter to protect their privacy, but it is from an arbitrator in the Southern California area.

GREAT JOB, Jeanese!!!!

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Jeanese, your hard work and perseverance pay off. It was great to hear and read about :D
Why am I not surprised? :D
In order to read the .docx document, you need to download Word 7 Reader from Microsoft's website, and the patch if you haven't already. I'm on an older version of Word and it directed me to the website for their Reader.
Doesn't that make it all worthwhile, Jeanese? I hope you'll treasure the letter. Awesome job!

I can't open the document either and would really love to read it. Can someone paste it in here so I can read? Congratulatons, Jeanese.
Very nice!!

What does "indefatigable" mean, though??

I think it means you're skinny. HA!

I'm trying to think how that would tran for me. :)
In case you take me seriously again, Jeanese, I'm just assuming that means you never tire. :)

Sorry for another bad joke. :(
Add me to the list that can't open it, BUT congratulations to you, Jeanese, for being recognized for your hard work. It makes it all worth it, doesn't it!!

AND, Kyung, you are a good friend. It's so nice you did that for Jeanese.
Very cool, Jeanese!!!! Way to go! I aspire to be like you!
Sorry you guys can't read it. It's a very nice letter.

She deserves it, and it's no sweat off my nose to give praise where it is due.
Kyung --

Maybe the .rtf format next time?

"For a Good (steno) Time ...."
Here's a pdf.


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