Well, my daughter is officially registered for kindergarten, and it is a very intensive process. But wait a minute, she's not starting kindergarten until this fall; right?

Yep. But there's a ton of paperwork and other miscellaneous activities.

So far we've been to kindergarten roundup (at night), one school tour (during the day), and we have one open house to go. And she's not even officially going yet.

Of course, you do realize that kindergarten is only about 3 hours a day. What are we going to do for the other 21hours? Well, hopefully she'll sleep at night. And we're lucky. They have an onsite daycare. It will be almost half the amount we're paying now. Whoo-hoo. I am so excited. We'll have money to pay for music lessons, dance lessons, and Korean class lessons. Yeah. We thought we were going to save some money for a second. It's not going to happen.

But back to paperwork. We had to submit the original birth certificate, a signed sheet from the doctor and her little yellow immunization card showing that she received all of her shots, a paper from the dentist, proof of residency, and some other paperwork my husband filled out.

It's been great bec. my husband has been taking care of everything. I just have to show up, but it is a lot of work.

So for those of you who have kids starting in the fall, get going!!! With budget cuts and all, make sure yours kids have a place!

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Hey Kyung, I didn't hear anything about "Kindercamp." My son had to attend kindercamp 3 weeks before his first day of kindergarten. It was one week and it was basically to let the kids get to know each other and get situated with the school campus.

And just wait until school actually starts, do I see "classroom parent" in the future? LOL It never ends ;-).

Enjoy your summer.

I hear ya!! My son is starting in 2 weeks. Thought I was going to start saving some cash too, not all that much!!! I actually had to get a job to get my transfer approved so I could go to the district I wanted!!! Oh, yeah, sure, as if I had any time to spare!!! Yep, recess duty!!! omg!!!!
I sent my baby to Kindergarten last September. I barely held it together at drop-off. I went home, curled up in a fetal position and cried for three hours. Honestly, it was more traumatic than taking him to the ER for stitches (well, technically glue) in his armpit (bicycle/lemon tree accident). This year, toward the end of summer, I was counting down the days and hours until school started.
Geneva is starting next week. I don't think I'll be too emotional. Famous last words.
Our daughter started kindergarten on the 19th and loves it. We're all very excited and eager to watch her mind expand. We have a great teacher and all is well. What's nice is both kids are in private school making getting ready in the morning easy; it's the same uniform every day.

But now the routine...up at 4:45 to workout, work, eat, 6:00 kids up, 7:15 out the door, work till whenever, 3:00 pick up, 3:30 homework, 5:00 soccer, etc....long days, short nights, but how much fun kids can be!!! I learn something myself every day from them.

I agree on the paperwork. We filled out what seems to be the same forms over and over again....oops, gotta run, need to pick up the kids!



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