I was searching for something and came across the below-referenced article. Yikes!

This may not happen to men, but many a woman has put on an outfit and discovered later that it is more sheer than she realized in the dim light of her home. In sunlight, or in an office’s bright fluorescent glow, the underthings suddenly become visible — if one is lucky enough to be wearing underthings. Usually, a good friend will point this out to the inadvertently scandalously-clad woman.

A reader sent us an excerpt from a recent deposition transcript, currently making the rounds by email, which apparently captures an occurrence of just this sort. It seems that the not-to-be-named lawyer, aka “Ms. B” (pictured), did not have a good friend to point out the sheerness of her attire.

Instead, an expert witness did so, at the end of a long deposition. Then “Ms. G,” counsel to the witness, echoed her client’s concerns.

The exchange got a little testy. Check out the depo transcript, after the jump.

Here’s the transcript:


However, it was the link in the article that gave me the biggest chuckle. It went to YouTube and showed some nightmare video deposition and trial happenings.

This one was the FUNNIEST, two lawyers in a verbal dispute; WARNING, though, as there are curse words and bad language used: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=td-KKmcYtrM&feature=related

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Okay, okay. I can't read anything without scrutinizing the punctuation.

Please let me know if you think this term is punctuated correctly: "inadvertently scandalously-clad woman."

TIA! :-)
I have teacher certification in English 6-12. It looks okay to me.
Wow, I got some good laughs this morning.

More than once, I have had my shirt buttons pop open (maybe 2 or 4). One time in court the Clerk was staring at me and got my attention, she mimicked buttoning her shirt. I looked down - oh god - quick button up and back to keyboard. Another time I had a "had-to-have" suit with a PERFECT pullover shirt white stretchy designer shirt for it. Lunchtime comes. Another court reporter came in, laughing her butt off, commenting about the shirt and how she "heard" about it from the attorneys. I loved that shirt. Ah, the days of youth. As I got older I got smarter.
Back in my Navy days, all the CTs were getting ready to march to their various schools.

Eventually, I noticed this young woman hurrying out of the doors of her barracks, just making it on time to march with the rest of her class.

Unfortunately, her nice, clean tropical whites didn't quite hide the hot pink panties she was wearing ...!

I stopped her before she could join the formation, and asked her if she would do me a big favor, and take a good look at her reflection in the door she had just come out of.

She did, and said, "OHMYGOD!!! Petty Officer Warner, could you please tell my class leader I'm going to be late?" I told her I would ... and that's how I managed to keep a young sailro from being written up!
First thing I noticed on that transcript is that the indentation is HUGE. 14 spaces in???? Now that's offensive!
OMG. That is THE funniest thing ever!!!!!!! But I think I totally would have said something. No one else would have??

BTW, I totally would have fixed the problem with the see through-ed ness (lol) with an under cami or something and wore that sucker to court:D


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