I'm leaving for NYC next week for vacation (staying in the East Village). I did the usual tourist stuff the last time I visited so would like to do some different things. Any suggestions? Also, since I am student, anything special to do related to court reporting? Any great restaurants to recommend? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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I just wanted to say that the nation went down when I was visiting NYC last year. I remember it like it was yesterday. I was so upset that I couldn't sip my morning tea and visit the site. I am so happy it is back up :)

Angela, since you'll be in the general area, stop by the Gallery of Shorthandhttp://www.newsday.com/long-island/suffolk/court-reporting-museum-l...


I just checked, and indeed, this restaurant closed ... Mangia e Bevi in Hell's Kitchen.  It was, Oh! so many years ago when I had the opportunity to meet up with some Internet friends I'd been exchanging thoughts with on this newfangled thing I'd discovered called an online message board.  It was the old AOL Court Reporters Message Board.  Sherry and Lillian and Marge Tile-Hobber ... yes, those were the good old days!  This particular restaurant was LOUD and WONDERFUL!  Every 20 minutes or so, SOMEone had a birthday, and they came out with tambourines and played a snippet of music, like YMCA or something like that, and the birthday guy or gal at each table HAD to get up and GET DOWN.  Oh, that was SO much fun!


... so, since that restaurant's closed, surely there have been others to come along to replace it.   Let's hear it from Marge and others about the fun, fun, fun places to go.  Marge is just wonderful at keeping track of the good food places, including her own review of the food and how much everyone spent ... more importantly, if it was worth it!


The other thing I enjoyed while in NYC was the fact that even at 2 and 3 a.m., it's like middle of the afternoon.  I loved dropped into Sephora at midnight and shopping around - fun!


So now that I see your post is dated January of last-freakin-year, that shouldn't stop the New Yawkers from chiming in with their two bits on fun things to do in The City.


Regards to all - M.A.

Thanks for the info Mary Ann. I may be going again this summer so I will keep the Gallery of Shorthand in mind!





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