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Hey, Kyung
Can you explain what MyView is? I have never heard of it.
MyView is the latest and great app from Advantage Software, the makes of Eclipse software.
The attorney downloads the MyView app (free) from the marketplace onto their iPad. Then the reporter has the MyView software on her end (there is fee), and then the reporter can send a realtime feed to the attorney on their iPad or iPhone.
It's just like getting realtime on their laptop or netbook. They can save and make notes and everything.
Latest reports of MyView are starting to trickle in, and it seems to be running smoothly.
Chuck Motter has fieled tested it in a captioning gig this past weekend, and everything went smoothly. Just a few minor problems, but nothing horrible.
One, it only works in portrait. In other words, if you rotate the iPad, the text on the screen will not rotate with the iPad to the correct orientation.
Two, you cannot multi-task, meaning you cannot get a realtime feed and try to surf the internet at the same time. You will lose the connection.
Good news, I have confirmation that it outputs to both iPad and iPhone.
So exciting!!
Kyung and Kelli,
I have myView and I think it's pretty fantastic! There's still room for improvement too. For example, it's actually and "iPhone" app, so to view it on the iPad, you have to hit the little 2x in the corner and blow it up. And when any iPhone app is "blown up" it suffers in font/picture quality just a bit. So the letters look a little, I don't know, "pixilated." It's not terrible though... but is noticeable. A native iPad app will look TONS better/smoother/cleaner.
But really it's It's still cool as snow! I love it. I know they're working on true iPad app instead of iPhone app. Just waiting the hear when that will be released.
They did just update it so that now you don't have to type in the IP address every time you are disconnected. It's automatically filled out. Very cool. That's a huge improvement! Love it. Very easy to connect now.
You do need WiFi service, so it's best to have your own portable private router with you. Eclipse sells one with it for, like, $80. It's easy to use. Just change your connection on your computer to the wireless network and then change the connection on the iPad to the same network. Start up the app, run the server, and, bam, it works.
What's cool about it is that even if you are disconnected, when it logs back in, the entire transcript is still there. You never lose any testimony. If you walk in late and start up, you can see the entire transcript.
Attorneys can mark/highlight, make notes and generate reports.
You do NOT have to have the iPad to view it. Anyone on a laptop (PC or Mac) can open up their browser to the IP address and view the testimony. It's really beautiful on the browswer, perfect clean font and nice colors. Easy to navigate. And on the computer you can save the entire file with your notes and highlights, etc. (If the reporter checks the box to allow that, that is...it's up to you).
I wish you could just "buy" it flat out, but instead Advantage Software is leasing it through a subscription service. It's $399 a year for those who do NOT have a support agreement already with Advantate and $299 a year for those who do. So you'll have to pay that every year. Sigh.
But I think it's a great product! Any questions, feel free to ask!
How hard was it to set up the router?
So technically, I could use this and the attorney could just view on his laptop and I wouldn't need cables anymore; right?
Exactly. But you would do that with Teleview already really. And myView basically is Teleview. They are almost identical. Teleview you can buy and have forever. It allows you to stream to a REMOTE or LOCAL computer, using an IP address. All the viewer needs is a web browser.
myView operates the same but it adds in the ability to stream to iPads and has the free app for viewing.
For the router, there's actually NO setup at all. You plug it into the USB port and that's basically it. You click the little button on the back to turn on the WiFi. Then you go to your computer's Network Settings icon (by the clock) and you click on "connect" to the new LAN and, voila, that's it. Easy peasy.
Hi, Alan.
I was told by support not to plug the router into the reporter computer...just plug it into an outlet. So you are connecting it to your reporter computer? Also...support never mentioned to me to press the button on the router. Maybe this is why I'm having no luck? They're supposed to have an update any second as we speak which I'm anxiously waiting for.
Rich Germosen
Rich, really? I didn't know you weren't supposed to plug it into the computer with Eclipse, ha ha... I'll try it without it next time then. But, yeah, works fine for me plugged into my laptop. Weird. Guess they recommend that because of the power drain on the laptop?
And, yeah, there's a little button on the very back, tiny little thing. The directions that came with the router say to press that until the WiFi button turns on and flickers. So I always do that.
Then make sure computer connects to that network. Then make sure iPads connect to that network. Then start myView on my computer. Then open the app on iPads. Works great!
I'll look forward to the update! Thanks for the heads up!
Well, if it's working for you, Alan...I say keep doing what you're doing. When you plug it into the reporter computer...do you still plug it into an electrical outlet for power?
Nope, I just plug it into the USB port and that powers the router. Again, this is the little portable router that Eclipse sells with it. Comes it's it's own little zipper and leather case. Very cool. It does have a power cord, but mine is still wrapped in plastic. Honestly, now that I think about it, it probably is best plugged into a wall and not draining the resources of your computer. I think you're right.
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