
Views: 333

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How about just EF? Or FAEKS?

How would EF/KAES work for you?

That's good.  Thanks.

FAEKS works.  Thanks, Quyen.  How are you?  Where are you working?

Glad you like it.  You're welcome.

I'm doing very well, thanks.  And yourself?  I work for whoever has work for me -- and will actually pay me for it.  :)

somebody give me a brief for "invent" and "inventive"

I've been writing "invent" as NVNT.  I wish I could write it "N/NT"( but it conflicts with "innocent") and use the "V" for "inventive".

Maybe I have to think of a new brief for "innocent."  (grrrr)  But at least "innocent" doesn't come up that much (everybody's so guilty these days :)))

Also, how about a good brief for the phrase "state of the art"


Not sure if your V is on the intial or final side.  But how about STPHREPB for "invent"? Then STPHR*EF for "inventive"?

So it's just using the NV on the intial side for inv^.


invent - VAENT

inventive - VAEF

inventor - VAERNT

invention - VAENGS

thanks Janet.  makes most sense for me. 

got one for "skilled in the art"?

SKART - skilled in the art


That's my personal favorite.  :)

SFART = state of the art

Yeah, I know . . . but it works. :D

Thanks, Quyen.  I'll remember that one!  :)


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