I took a depo where the second half was deemed confidential and will be under separate cover.  So do I use a cert page for both Part 1 and Part 2?  

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One cert bound with nonconfidential portion.  The confidential portion is bound separately, but no cert necessary.

Thanks Quyen!!  How are you!!???  I've been wondering about you but lost all my contact when my AOL was hacked a couple years ago.  So good to hear from you!

Saaaaannnndyyyyyyy!!!! I was wondering if this was you! The "Sandra" threw me off -- I'm easily confused.   How are YOU???!!! I think about you all the time and wonder how you're doing.  Okay, that sounds weird, but . . . we're both straight, lol!  We've had that conversation already, ha! So you really did move to LA.  How do you like it down there, and how long have you been in SoCal?

My e-mail and phone number is on my page.  We should catch up sometime. Great to "see" you again!  If you ever come up to SF area to visit, give me a ring. I'll take you to drinks/lunch/dinner at my favorite places!  :)

You're welcome. ;)

Chris, I think Sandy is asking about a different issue.  It's splitting the transcript into confidential and nonconfidential portions.


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