If you want to get email blasts of work in your area, Southern California or Bay Area, as an example, hit on the Cover Depos tab and a map will appear, hit on the red dot for the areas you will cover, then hit the tab to join that group.  Your email will be added to the list.  When an agency needs a reporter in your area, they will send out an email blast of the job with their contact info.  You will get that email blast immediately and you can contact the firm directly.

Please do NOT solicit yourself in the groups.  I'lll get a ton of complaints if you do.  Sending out an email is only if you have a job offer in the group.


 Scopists/proofers/videographers/transcriptionists do the same thing through whichever group you're using.  There is a group set up for everyone; i.e., Eclipse Scopist (Send Work Request), Videographer group, proofreader group, etc.  Join the group and you will get job offers about reporters needing help with work, etc.

Gook luck, everyone!!

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I've been getting a lot of private messages asking how everyone's supposed to get work and join groups.  I figured since most of the time people join this website through word of mouth, that that part is relayed to everyone too. 

This way, there is no confusion and everyone knows what to do.

I went into the map and hit the red dot for the Bay Area.  I looked myself up as joining the group and I did not find my name.

Any suggestions on what I may have done wrong?

Noelia, Once you were in the group you wanted to join, did you click on the button "Join Cover Depos (your area)"?  Right now it's a little hard to find since it's blue on blue, but look for a box right above and to the right of the title of the group.  There should be a + at the beginning of the box.  Click on that.  Remember, some of the (big) areas require a fee to join.

Noelia, I looked you up in the Bay Area group and you are not a member.  You must have done it wrong.  There will be a tab to "Join the Bay Area Group."  You need to hit that tab to join.  That's it.  All I can say is you haven't done that.

Another way to know if you did it correctly is on your personal page at the bottom left will be a list of all the groups you belong to.  I went to your page also and it does not show you're a member of any groups. 

Thanks for the information.  I did try last night and a couple of minutes ago to join but have been getting a PayPal error message.  Apparently PayPal is having technical difficulties.  I'll try later today and hopefully it will work.

There is a $49.95 yearly fee for the Bay Area group.  Not sure it's an error.  Just FYI.

I've been trying to pay that fee through PayPal and that's when I'm getting my error message.  I think I'm going to try it on a different computer and see if that works.

That's weird.  Wonder what's up with that.  Let me know if you get it to work.

Hi Kelli,

I thought I'd let you know that I asked a friend of mine who is a member of CSRnation to try and sign up for me and she also received the same error message I did.  I'm curious if anyone else has had a problem signing up for the Bay Area.  If you have any other suggestions, please let me know.  I really would like to get notifications of last minute jobs in the Bay Area.  Thanks!

No, I totally understand.  I'll send a message to tech support and see what they have to say.  Thanks for letting me know.

I'm putting this post back on the first page because I'm constantly getting people emailing asking how to get work.


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