I've had a much easier time with speed than accuracy, and I'm wondering what I can do to improve. I can always read through it, but I'm interested in pursuing CART work eventually.
I've tried writing from hard copy, using finger drills, and practicing slower material, but nothing's really helping yet.
Any suggestions?

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I've been using evaluator (sort of the Stenograph equivalent of Realtime Coach), and I'm not really that happy with it. If I recall correctly, I think there's a trial available on their website. I'll check it out. Thanks.
Hi, Stephanie. To answer the topic question, I have to say that shorter writing definitely does have a cleansing effect. :-)

Like yours apparently, the theory I learned was a long-writing one. Among other things, we were taught to multiple-stroke for a sound that would be only single-syllable; e.g., -PL/-P for -mp. Writing that sound alone, you are now trailing the proceedings. You have to stroke twice in the amount of time that something was spoken just once. Now add to your stroking the punctuation that's needed and the speaker changes that occur, all of which are unspoken. You are now trailing the proceedings by how much? Eek. I've often wondered how much faster than the speed of the speakers we are actually writing!

Since learning to stroke -FRP for -mp and a whole bunch of other cool, shorter-writing stuff, I'm so much more on top of the speakers that I have the time to be more careful and more clean. It actually makes quite a big difference.

Also, you mentioned practicing at slower speeds. I would recommend actually practicing at higher speeds. As frustrating as that can be, when I do it, at least, it seems to increase my accuracy at lower speeds.

As an aside to your topic question, an issue came up as to the timing of making writing changes. I can understand the theory behind not changing your writing soon before a test. I've changed my writing a couple times over the years, and it has created hesitation. So that's a good point. I would think, though, that if you're making changes gradually, such as you mentioned briefing words you always mess up, that wouldn't harm your chances at the test. That's my two cents, anyway. :-)
Thanks. I actually got a used copy of the Stenomaster theory book not long ago, but I haven't taken on too much yet. I did implement the -FRP ending you mentioned right away though. I never did understand why lamp should be a two-stroke word. I think I'll just keep trying to make any adjustments gradually. I don't actually have any tests coming up soon. I got to qualifiers and needed to finish the academics before I could move on. So I guess this is the perfect time to consider making some changes.

Thanks again for your input. I appreciate it.
Oh, good, you've got the SM book! That was a pretty penny, huh? But very much worth it. I got it myself earlier this year, and I refer to it a lot.

What's helped me the most to keep up/clean up is phrasing, I would say. Tami's BOIT is going to be great, and then I would maybe do SBOITS or throw in the asterisk to add commas around it. So then I'm stroking only once in the time it takes to say three syllables, plus I've got my punctuation in place. Yay! Stuff like that has helped so much to stop flying and start poking along, as Tami described it so well.
It was too pretty a penny for me actually. I kept an eye out for a used copy for over a year, but I finally got one. Phrasing usually makes better sense to me too. If it's a principle I can apply to several phrases, it tends to stick better than a brief.
Thanks :)


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