He's promised me he'll always have time for me, so I feel comfortable giving out his info. Things are slow right now for everyone, and I don't want him to have to find a regular job and only do proofreading on the side because it would be a waste of talent. And I want others to benefit from his mad, mad skills.

He's the best proofreader I've ever had. He catches the smallest things. He even looks up my appearances on the Internet to be sure I've got the addresses and even the email addresses right.

I am always flabbergasted at how many mistakes and the kinds of mistakes I make in my transcripts. When I send him a transcript, I'm always thinking to myself, "Eh, he won't find much this time." I'm always so grateful I have such a great proofreader because he's saved me from looking like the idiot I am sooo many times.

He's very fair, he's intelligent, he's super nice, and he's a great guy. What more could you want in a proofreader? Oh, he's also a StenoCAT and CaseCATalyst scopist.

Here's his info:

John Christopher Renegar (goes by Chris)

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I'll pass on his info.

Thanks for sharing.
Jeanse, that's a great idea. We should start a blog singing the praises of our favorite scopists. It will help scopists get more work and reporters find decent scopists.

But not everyone has the same expectations from a scopist. I'm finding out most reporters don't seem to mind if their scopist doesn't know or apply proper punctuation rules to their transcripts, that they don't mind adding or changing the punctuation when they proof it.

But I'm a big pain in the keister. I'm picky about punctuation, and I want my scopist to know the basic rules and to follow my punctuation style and preferences. That's at least half the work in editing a transcript.

So while everyone has different expectations from a scopist, it's a trial-and-error sort of thing. You've just got to try different people till you find the right match. And it would be nice to be able to pick scopists from a short list of ones that reporters are already happy with.

I'll check back later. And if you haven't started a discussion on it, I will. Thanks for the suggestion, Jeanese. See you tomorrow at the 10th Occasional SoCal CSR Outing in Pasadena!!

Oh, and you're right, Judy has great page rates.
Oh, and you're right, Judy has great page rates.

Thanks, guys. Quality rates for quality reporters!
Aww, Marla...you're too kind. Thank you for your personal "endorsement." :-) That means a lot coming from the "gold standard" in court reporters. Can you feel the love in here? LOL.
Yes, I can feel the love. I'm all warm and fuzzy.

Now get back to proofreading my transcript! ;) (I so funny)

I can attest. Because of this discussion, I was able to get through a one-day expedite last night. I can't thank you enough for posting this about Chris. You lead me to him, he took on the challenge, and we conquered. Thank you so much! You're right. He is amazing. Super friendly too.
Thanks for the kind words, Karen! :-)


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