Hmmm, how about RAILGT or RAOLGT. That's still going to be a twister, though. For me, I would still need the LGT in there somewhere. I just came up with a brief for myself! Thanks.
I'm jealous! No, I know what you mean, I kind of have to have the LGT in there so it makes sense to me, too. Okay, well, then also, there is related to and relate to. Those three kept coming up today. So, any ideas on how you would do those?
ETA Oh, I just found another one I'm tired of writing out: independent contractor. How about a brief for that?
How about RAOELTD for related to and RAILT for relate to? I'm stumped on independent contractor as I don't hear that too frequently. Make sure you join Brief Club, too, because you'll get some good feedback there, too.
Okay, I've been playing around and here's what I decided, 'cause I really don't like the GT stroke, so I try to avoid it when I can.
relating to = TRAOELG (kinda like a stacked "relating" and "to")
related to = TRAOELD
relate to = TRAOELT
Brenda, I like the independent contractor! Only I made it SPWR-K, and I think that wil do the trick for me. Thank you!