Am I the only ProCATer here? I'm on XP (steno version), beta-testing Version 10.

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Hi. I have Pro Cat 8.0. Would you happen to know if you can run that with Vista? My computer just crashed and it's impossible to find a new laptop without Vista.
Hi, I am on Xp 10 I just coverted to that version within the last month. I am always looking for someone to help with gliches here or there. I am located in cincinnati, ohio. What about you?
I retired as an official, not from life, and not from reporting.

I saw the original question but didn't have an answer, still don't. When I was on version 8.x I think my OS was Windows 98. When I upgraded to version 9.x I also got a new computer, and that came with XP Home. I've been using XP Home in combination with version 10.x and all the upgrades to .03. I've stayed away from the upgrade to VISTA in the OS system because of all the reported problems, and the fact that the Beta (10.x) is working well with it.

However, based on everything I know (not much) version 8.x was developed before VISTA was released, so I would suspect it would not work well with VISTA. The last time I checked you were able to get computers online with the option of having an operating system of XP Home or Professional instead of VISTA. The ads, as I remember them, did not charge a surcharge for the XP OSs and in fact the XP OSs were somewhat cheaper than the VISTA.

As Trina suggested (and I think someone else) I woulc call the home office and ask them. But, they'll probably push you to upgrade to version 10.x.
I'm on ProCAT, but it's for voice. I haven't upgraded to 10.3 yet. I'm still on 10. I'm waiting for everyone else to work out the kinks in 10.3 before I upgrade. I know of one person on v.10 with Vista, and they report no problems. I currently have Windows XP, but if I want to by a Vista laptop, I'll have to spend $200 for an upgrade to ViaVoice so that my ViaVoice will be compatable with Vista. Bummer. I'm holding off till my XP laptop dies.

With version 10, I have problems with automatic punctuation while editing, but I've heard that that has been fixed in 10.3. So I'm looking forward to upgradrading.

By the way, I hope I'm posting correctly. I click on "Reply to This" below the person that I want to "reply" to, correct? Or do I go to the very end of the thread, the last post?
Hot diggity-dog. Thanks.
Actually, Mary I do remember you. My memory was never that good for people, but for some reason I do remember you. It's been a few years since I've heard from you (or about you). I take it that all is well. Are you still in NY?

I assume that you are new to ProCAT based on your phraseology. Transferring from another system? I've never used anything but P'CAT. I started with it about 10 years ago, straight from the manual machine. One of the main reasons I got it was the easy learning curve.
As you can see I have gottenbeyond the gray hair stage. Just look at my avatar.

I'll be happy to assist in any way I can. But, be forewarned that I don't use all the bells and whistles that came with it so I might not be able to assist you. If you were to go over to the CRF (it's part of Netscape) there are quite a few P'CATers there. There's also the P'CAT forum where help is available, but you have to get the password from the "company" since it's a "closed" forum.

Since we last "spoke" I've retired as an official (but I'm doing some freelance work), my older son got married in August and is a staff psychologist at UCLA and we just learned that they're expecting, due in August. This summer we plan on spending time looking for condos, etc., on the other coast. My younger son is living in Rockland County, working with computers.

Any P'CAT questions, don't hesitate to ask. You can contact me directly if you wish at or


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