Can my old Stentura 8000 be compatable w/ wireless realtime???? No USB ports on writer

Anyone know if there is any way to avoid having to buy a new writer??? Now that I've just had to purchase a new laptop, printer, etc., etc., the thought of replacing my writer, as well, makes me sick to my stomach! Is there any converstion-type devise to add to my machine???????

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Yes, and I happen to have one for sale - it's a serial to usb adapter and then you need the cables and connectors to attach to your laptop for realtime - let me know if you're interested.
(I sent you a message already with my direct contact info - hope this helps!)
so here I sit w/ all new equipment & CAN WORK STILL. Just got my temporary key code from Eclipse & NONE of my files are coming up! I swear, I can't take another day of this. This is now day NINE!! But I have to focus for a second. So the realtime cables I have that you asked me about the grey that plugs into my machine & black into the laptop - black being the 9-pronged female - is all I need from you the USB converter from the 9-pronged female to hook into the laptop????
for wireless you can use a Stenocast X1 setup. go to

The X1 appears to have been replaced by their new product, "The Edge" ... which sells for a whopping $1200.

Roberta's USB-Serial adapter solution will get you writing realtime to your laptop, at least; from there, you can go in many different directions ...

Good luck!

"For a Good (steno) Time ....."

StenoCast makes a wonderful product for the Stentura 8000. I have both the Stentura 8000 and this wireless product. The X-1 is a two-piece product. One piece attaches to the serial port on your writer, just like the end of the wireless cable. And the other piece is a USB dongle that goes in your laptop.

The new product that's been described above as the EDGE sounds like a wonderful product. BUT it is more than just the wireless connection. It is really a multifaceted product including a wireless connection, audio recorder, text backup, and a little more. It is pricey right now.

The X-1 that is sold by StenoCast has had all the bugs worked out and is quite easy to install.

Also, because the Stentura 8000 does NOT have the RAM backup, you might be drawn to the EDGE. If you're still using paper, realtime, and floppy disk, you have enough backup. If you're using audiosync and a digitical recorder for backup, then you have enough backup.
I haven't seen it in use, but I'd wait 'til all the bugs are worked out of it, then consider purchasing it.

Until that time, think about the X-1. It is still being sold by StenoCast, and you can trade it in for the EDGE, so I've been told.

Since I've purchased my X-1, I've had to buy two power cords for it. That's not the fault of StenoCast. Some power cords last 10 years, some last 10 months.

I have found that every time I call the Steno Cast office, I have to leave a message. Then they call back eventually. Once you get them, they are very, very, very helpful.

I'd suggest not buying this type of product from eBay. My personal choice. It is a pretty delicate device that does have some type of warranty from StenoCast.

FTW, the use of a wireless device instead of a wireless cable is my choice. I have never needed to move my writer more than the length of the cables. There are several CRs at the firm I work with that still use cables. So please don't feel any pressure. I just wanted fewer cables.

I use my writer now as a paperless writer, so I was told to ALWAYS use my power cord because no paper, no power means DISASTER for the Stentura 8000. So I just wanted to eliminate as many other cables as I could.

I hope I've been of some assistance. Good luck.

Bubbie Karen
Christine --

Karen might be correct about th X-1 and eBay ... but Jeanese is also right about choosing your sellers carefully. If you're thinking of going the eBay route, you should take a look at my article, "Doing it eBay." It has a few Dos and Don'ts about buying writers (mostly) from eBay.

Good luck ...!

"For a Good (steno) Time ...."
Thanks all for your infor & input. I swear, at this point I'm so Overwhelmed w/ almost EVERYTHING having to be replaced: laptop, printer, USB converters, blah, blah, blah. I'm waiting for Eclipse to call me about switching out my tran key to USB; can't do ANYTHING w/out that...........
Thanks again!


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