Angelia Bell
  • Female
  • North Richland Hills, TX
  • United States
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Angelia Bell's Friends

  • Angela Snaric
  • Charisse Kitt, CRI CSR RDR FCRR
  • Shannon Elisalda
  • Saniya C. Youngblood
  • Leslie Johnson
  • Cynthia M. Cathcart
  • Vicki
  • Sinéad O'Shea
  • Debra Flamer
  • kathy - iamwrdsmth

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So glad CsrNation is back!!!  I've missed it! :-)

Started Mar 30, 2011

Insurance for court reporters
9 Replies

This question may have already been asked but humor me please. =) Can anyone tell me what sort of benefits do court reporters (or CART/captioners) have in the working world? As far as medical,…Continue

Started this discussion. Last reply by Angelia Bell Nov 9, 2009.


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Angelia Bell's Blog

Court reporting or captioning???

I'm already enrolled at Huntington Jr College but I'm still researching other schools & what I'm noticing is that alot of them have a certain curriculum for court reporting or one for CART/captioning. You have to choose. And I'm not sure which one I'm more interested in! I think I'd like to try both. Working as an official court reporter seems very prestigious & important. I feel like I would really be contributing to the legal process. But then being a captioner sounds interesting… Continue

Posted on November 13, 2009 at 8:30 — 10 Comments

Huntington Jr College/Online Students Post

Hey guys, I was just wondering if anyone out there in CSRnation is or was a student at Huntington Jr College in WV? Thats where I'm starting (online) next year! Also was wondering if there is a group on here for just online students? I didnt see one. But maybe there really isn't a need for one? I mean a student is a student is a student. Whether you're online or go to a brick & mortar.

Posted on November 6, 2009 at 12:02 — 5 Comments

Machine - To students & reporters

To the reporters, I'm curious to know what machine did you use during school? And as a professional, what machine are you using now? To the students, which machine are you using? I currently don't have a machine. I'm hoping financial aid will cover it when I start school next year, but when I was previously in school (2006-2008) I rented a steno manual (dirty beige color) from the school.

Posted on October 29, 2009 at 10:39 — 13 Comments

Court Reporting Gifts/Merchandise.

I wish CSRnation had a store on here, where we could order all things pertaining to court reporting (i.e., mugs, t-shirts, lanyards, mouse pads, caps, keychains, etc). Just thought I'd throw that idea out there! ;-)

Posted on October 28, 2009 at 10:38 — 1 Comment

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At 18:41 on April 6, 2011, Angela Snaric said…

Good to hear from you! Just keep on going, you will make it!

I am working on my 160's right now. I am doing it all on my own.

I am on facebook. Look me up.



At 13:37 on March 30, 2011, Angela Snaric said…
Hey, how have you been???
At 19:25 on January 6, 2010, Angela Snaric said…
Thanks Angelia! Yep, those are my girls including a girl dog. My poor dh is very outnumbered. What you can't see in my profile pic is my dh dressed up like a girl flapper as well. He would kill me if I posted that :) Have a good evening!
At 15:35 on January 6, 2010, Angela Snaric said…
I'm not in speeds yet, I think I have about 4 monthes left to complete my theory including advanced theory.
It does sound like you have a full plate, but you can do it!
I have a Stentura 400 SRT. Works fine for being a student.
Again good luck!
At 10:34 on January 6, 2010, Angela Snaric said…
I just wanted to wish you luck in school! I know how excited you have been to get started. Keep us updated with your progress.
At 8:42 on January 5, 2010, Leslie Johnson said…
Let me check to see if I still have it. My husband may have "made space." If I do, can you just pay for shipping?
At 8:16 on January 5, 2010, Leslie Johnson said…
Good for you, Angelia! I was asking because I think I might still have my old manual lying around here somewhere. I'll go try to dig it up if you still need a machine. Let me know how it goes.
At 15:50 on January 4, 2010, Leslie Johnson said…
Thanks for the nice comment!

Did you start CR school? Do you have a machine?
At 8:16 on December 19, 2009, Saniya C. Youngblood said…
Hi Angelia! Thank you for the comment. Just keep the vision alive and your dreams will come true. You have to see yourself in school and it will happen. When you start, you must practice everyday then you will finish faster.
At 14:36 on December 16, 2009, Shannon Elisalda said…
Hello Angelia!! Thanks for comment. Have you started your schooling yet?

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