Ok, is there REALLY any CRs on a paper manual machine in a court room?? Plus, the machine was hiked up REALLY high and she was raising her arms WAY too much! She would be exhausted after a day like that, LOL!

Do they not 'look' into all this?? And she sat in the 'way'....in the middle of the room. I guess they wanted people to see her? LOL!

What movies/shows have you seen CRs in and were they portrayed to reality?

Oh, I love this show and am not sure why it is on so late....I would rather see it at 8pm instead of some of the blood/gore shows they have on.


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OMG. lol. and of course it's you who is writing this. Troy and I LOVE Eli Stone, and I thought the same EXACT thing!! I do notice in a lot of shows that they do a poor job portraying us. They usually have people fighting in the courtroom and such back and forth with the reporter just pretending she's getting it all, even though they are overlapping each other and wicked fast. lol. Also, I find myself watching law shows and movies and noticing where there normally would be an objection, but b/c it's TV, they don't object. That drives me crazy in that it takes out the who "reality" feeling the shows have. lol.
I like George Michael, so LOVED the first episode, lol!
LOL! It was a dinosaur!!!!

I heard about that table lady!

My back was hurting watching the one last night, lol!
At least go to a courtroom and watch a CR! Do a little research. Sheesh! Not that tough.
I agree!
You guys are cracking me up!! I've seen the table lady, too. (Manual, NO paper) HA! There was one time a saw a court reporter in an interrogation room. Huh?? The court reporter actually didn't look weird, but it wasn't a depo or anything, it was a guy just being interrogated. Well, they tried. lol
That would be scarier than the Parole Boards I do! LOL!
I have never seen a show where they portray the CR in real life. They've always got her stuck on the other side of the court room, where obviously she can't hear, or she's stuck in the conference room over in the corner, where she obviously can't hear and everybody's talking at the same time, no one on one Q & A. It gets me so aggravated at Hollywood. I keep meaning to write them to tell them to get that part right. And the ones where the CR's fingers are moving one at a time, oh, please. Not a very good actor/actress. But I have seem some where they've got an updated machine instead of the old manuals.

By the way, Rhoda, and all you others, when Life comes back, it is really good also. It is one of my surprise favorites, and Moonlight, oh, and the new show New Amsterdam or something like that is really good...besides me being a reality junkie.
If you like New Amsterdam, Forever by Pete Hamill seems to be the book they 'stole' the idea from. I believe w/out his permission! But it is SO close to the book, it is scarey, LOL. I am reading it rignt now.
MMmmm good. He can bite on my neck anytime.

Hey, speaking of having the old manual up on a table, there was a movie with Kate Hudson and can't remember the guy's name, the dark-haired Wilson brother, I think, or the movie, but it was where she was taking notes on the manual to help him write his book. She just took it out of a bag and plopped it onto the table. Obviously, she didn't do very much research for the part. I am so sick of Hollywood. They think they know EVERYTHING!!!! Okay, I'll stop now.
LOL! I was wondering how that movie was! Never saw it.
If it's a rainy day on LMN or Lifetime, it was okay. Not a keeper. The title was two people's names.


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