I haven't a clue where to even begin to learn about how to do auto indexing. I haven't even viewed the visualizer on it, though I'm sure there is one.

It seems like such a huge, daunting task. Any words of wisdom on how to ease my way into it?

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Replies to This Discussion

Thank you so much, Marla & Brenda! I've been stressing about indexing for a long time. I used to have a bunch of examples on a CD but in my last move they got lost. Does anyone have any index examples for court as well? They're so time consuming.
Anne, I thought that there were some examples over on CRF. I don't do court, so even when I do direct and cross, it's only one witness and I don't set it up with several columns.

I hope someone else here comes along.

Marla, did you send invitations to scopists too? Ang would be a GREAT resource for this. She does complicated indexes in her sleep.
Sending out invitations was tough. You can't send mass emails through this site, or else I would've invited all 800 Eclipse users on here. I quickly cross-referenced my 125 friends with the 800 users and invited those who were on Eclipse. I didn't go through every Eclipse user's profile page to see if their email address is on their page. I've noticed most people don't list their email address on the profile page, but I think it's an excellent idea. Also, it's a good idea to get a permanent email address through Hotmail, Yahoo, or Gmail so that your email address doesn't change every time you change Internet service providers.

So please invite every single Eclipse user you know of to join our little group here. Strength in numbers, right?!
I've invited 4 already -- 2 have joined. :)
Ooh, thanks, Brenda!!
Thanks, Brenda. I'll check over on CRF. I have a bunch of samples from different CR firms in SoCal but I haven't used them for a long time (since 2004) if anyone's interested.
This Eclipse group is a great idea ~ thanks for getting it started, marla!!
i also really want to start indexing ~ it's about time since I've been on eclipse forever!! i have read the manual on it, but haven't watched the visualizer, so here's my couple of probably silly questions: 1) do you have a steno stroke that you put in while taking the job to put in an index line or do you creat an .ecl file and then Alt-R that in while scoping? and then 2) how does the index know how to describe it ~ I don't describe the exhibits in the transcript just in the exhibit index.
I hope those questions make sense.
I have a stroke for production requests and for instructions not to answer, things like that. But I include the index line for Examination with my EXAMINATION setup stroke and my exhibit index line with my MOID (however you mark exhibits) stroke. Now, if I miss one of those extra strokes, I Alt-R it in.

If you look at the index line for exhibits that I attached, you'll see a block for Description. As you E through, filling in blanks, it will stop there and you fill it in. I have a block file for the common ones, like Diagram, Drawing, Photograph, etc., and that list comes up. I either pick from that or type in whatever I need to.

You need to set up some paragraphs in User Settings, or at least make sure you use the ones in there. I use one or two that they had and added at least one. You need to have include files with headings for the different categories. It *is* involved, but once it's set up, it's done!
Thank you both Brenda and Ang ~ you make it seem like I might actually be able to figure it out:))
Thanks, Ang! So nice of you.
Hi, everyone. I'm a scopist that wants to learn to create automatic indexes. I have a reporter that has me fill out her indexes. My head is swimming right now!
Recently I needed to modify my automatic indexing to match another firm's index. I sure wish I had remembered that there's a helpful pdf in the updates section of the Advantage site. The date on it is 8/27/08. I'm attaching it here.

There also is a very large chapter on automatic indexing in the 4.2 manual. It's chapter 12, page 235.

Keith Vincent's tutorial is very thorough - I recommend it. I created my original index by watching Keith's tutorial.


Don't put off learning about automatic indexing. Yes, it takes a bit of time, but then you just may need to adjust it now and then. You don't want to type out all your index info forever, do you???


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