Akua Miller
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  • K L King
  • Marla Sharp
  • Indrani Peyton

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At 10:53 on July 28, 2008, Indrani Peyton said…
No problem on the slow response. Life does what it does...
Anywho, thanks for your comments on the my page's ad. I was beginning to wonder (I guess it's a lot harder than I thought re: getting new customers). I took your advice in marketing and I'm putting together a mass mailout that I hope to complete by tomorrow. About the proofreading, legal transcription, medical transcription, and edit copy - how do I get my foot in the door for that. Do you have any numbers or contact info? I need to really make some dough so that I can buy an electronic writer. I'm stuck in the stone age by having the ORIGINAL manual writer. I've seen some good prices for used ones on this site and also various CAT systems sites; but they all want cash or some form of all up front money that I just don't have handy. I was hoping that I could find one on some sort of payment arrangement. Anywho, that's enough of the sob story. If you have any contact info that I can use for exposure on the above-mentioned side gigs, PLEASE let me know. Thanks a million. P.S. What's you schedule like this week to get a cup of coffee/tea?
At 7:21 on July 23, 2008, Indrani Peyton said…
Went to School in Providence, RI, I'm originally from Boston, MA (and I do miss the ocean). In Providence I finished my 225 but decided to come to Chicago for Law school (DePaul); so I never tried court reporting. That was several years ago. Needless to say, I didn't finish law school (too expensive) and now I am practicing on my own to get the speed back in hopes of finishing what I started. Since you are thinking about the CSR, we need keep each other on track - maybe we can swap tapes, ideas, materials, etc... to gt us in gear. Definitely let's chat or maybe even meet for coffee one day since we're in the same city. I really need some tips on scoping and your "getting paid" tips. For some reason, I have not had luck getting any scoping jobs from this site. If you have any constructive criticisms, feel free to let me know; and I will be glad to answer any questions. Hope to hear from you soon.....
At 14:17 on July 18, 2008, K L King said…
At 11:26 on July 13, 2008, Kelli Combs (admin) said…
Welcome to CSRnation!