K L King
  • Female
  • Tampa, Florida
  • United States
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At 13:04 on August 3, 2008, Sue @ The Brief Zone said…
Hi KL, check out The Brief Zone !
Great Drilling Practice For Any Steno Theory...
At 22:06 on July 23, 2008, Michael D. Chaney said…
My Dear Friend:
I haven't heard from you in so long; I thought you forgot about me. Now, I'm somewhat confused or forgetful. I don't know how I found out, probably from someone else and/or their site; but do please visit my sight. I have posted up there something in honor of you. lt's been up for such a long time, I thought you knew. I did it in honor of you because I'd heard you were having problems or worries or something like that...it was so long ago. Now, I've investigated and find out that either I didn't write you, the most important one or.....I don't know. But do visit my site and see what I've written in your honor for all my friends to see. I thought I'd sent it to all my student friends. If not, then I guess that global friend sending button doesn't work. I'm under the impression that all my student friends got this, but especially you. Please write back soon to tell me what you think or if it helped at all. I see others have written you and I thought I'd solved your problem. Your friend, indeed; Michael
At 13:19 on July 18, 2008, Sheryl Fort said…
Haven't made it to FL yet. The goal is to get there before the end of the year. We vacationed in the Outer Banks back in the beginning of June and we had a great time. There's just something about the beach and seeing the ocean that has such a calming effect! Enjoy your weekend. Sheryl
At 17:28 on July 14, 2008, Angie said…
Hi Karrie,
Welcome to CSRnation! The best advice I can give you is don't give up. I know it can be hard because of financial challenges, but hang in there. Nothing last forever. While going to court reporting school, I had a full-time job and I was a single parent with a 3-year old son. I struggled to pay tuition and most times I didn't think I would make it. But, I did and you will too. The rewards of being a court reporter, when I look back from where I've come, is worth every bit of struggling that I encountered. While practicing, try to clear your mind of any financial problems you may have and keep telling yourself that once you're accomplished the goal of becoming a court reporter, most if not all of your financial challenges will vanish . Set your goals to concentrate fully on court reporting and ask God to take care of everything else. And, he will.
At 2:57 on June 25, 2008, Rhonda Hall Breuwet, RDR CRR CLR said…
Hi, Karrie! Good luck with your home study. I'm sure that's tough doing it on your own, but you can do it!
At 14:41 on June 24, 2008, Sheryl Fort said…

Nice to meet you. I'm northwest of Philadelphia. I have family in the Tampa area. I am hoping to get together with my dad to walk on the beach in Clearwater before the summer is over. Sheryl
At 7:47 on June 24, 2008, Dale said…
Hi K:
Yes, please check it out, it can't hurt to compare all the theories out there.. The old stenos (bad term) out there that have been doing it for 35 years plus wished they had the theory we have now, and the machines, also. In a way, we have a harder job, with better machines and theory, faster turn-around time with the software, etc. And, I recommend Eclipse.
I incorporate Mark's stuff with the theory from the school, and, then, also, I invent my own.. If its "natural" in your brain the way YOU figure it out, it will always be the fastest way and steno brief that comes out of your fingers, rather than learning redundant stuff that you can't possibly remember!
take care and God bless you!
At 5:01 on May 16, 2008, Nicolete said…

Hi... Just wanted to holla. LOL. How's speedbuilding coming along? If you need any advice, let me know.
At 12:26 on March 24, 2008, Maria Ellicott said…
HI Karrie! What's up?
At 13:22 on March 15, 2008, Dale said…
Hi Karrie!
Welcome! I, too, am a student. I have been working on Steno since June of 06. I am at 140 wpm, sometimes more, sometimes less, depends on density of the material.
I am attenting a community college, which happens to have the oldest steno p rogram (and oldest teachers, lol) in the state (Michigan). While I am using their theory, I can see flaws in its complexity and application to going faster.
My advice is this: check out Mark Kislingbury's website (Stenomaster.com) for his "short-stroke" theory. I was overwhelmed a year and a halfl ago, when I saw, for the first time, the book "Brief Encounters" with all the complex ways of steno-ing 50,000 words or so.
Mark is the world speed holder at 380 wpm with 97% accuracy, and he is onto something, for sure.
Anyway, hope this helps,, at least check out his packages and good luck to you, this is an awesome profession

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