Debera Anne Doran
  • United States
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Debera Anne Doran's Friends

  • windy
  • Laura Rosen
  • Caroline Knecht
  • Barbara Jarnagin
  • Karen Wright
  • Kathy Pabich
  • Valerie
  • Diane Pate
  • Kathy Lee
  • Erin Donato
  • Barbara Griffith
  • Janalee Whitacre
  • H & S Court Reporting
  • Peter J. Giammanco
  • Rachel Mcroy

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At 19:17 on December 28, 2009, Diane Pate said…
Sorry, I did not answer your question before, But, I work on yachts as a detailer while I am studying. I can make my own schedule which helps, but the work is so slow right now. :(.
At 19:24 on December 10, 2009, Diane Pate said…
I think it is awesome that you have been able to travel in your career as a court reporter. I would love that!
At 20:15 on December 6, 2009, windy said…
Mostly working in LA..some in Orange County..really is it out in Temecula?
At 18:55 on December 2, 2009, Rachel Mcroy said…
Well today I had my notice and I swear I looked at it like 5 times because I have been getting very mixed up with my hearings and room numbers and times and attorneys, so my hearing today I could have sworn was for 8:45 I got there 45 minutes early and I was in the courthouse had some coffee and breakfast and then decided to go to the courtroom. When I got there the baliff told me there was nothing for 8:45 only 8:30 and it turns out I was late and the hearing went on without me and I was afraid to tell my firm and the attorney's secretary wided up calling anyway and they were so mad because A I was late and I have constantly been mixing things up and B that I did tell them, so in short my day was terrible

Sorry for the long message Rachel :0
At 17:59 on December 2, 2009, Rachel Mcroy said…
That would be so nice to have someone who knows about the problems I'm going through and how to handle certain situations....I really don't know any reporters that aren't recently out of school like myself..and my office, and I love my firm, sometimes don't have all the answers or I don't want to ask a "dumb question" so it would be really nice to have someone to come to for answers :)
At 7:12 on December 2, 2009, Laura Rosen said…
Dear Debera:

I lived in San Diego from 1973-1990, so at least I know of Temeculah!


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