Janiece Young
  • Female
  • Kansas City metropolitan area
  • United States
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Janiece Young's Friends

  • Ned Christensen
  • Karen Everhart
  • Pamela Willis
  • Tricia Rosate, RDR CRR
  • Cindy
  • Stacy Alcala
  • Jason Leonard -PatriotLegalVideo
  • Anne E Pothier
  • Dawn Cancel
  • Linda
  • Mary Chmura
  • Rosemarie A. Sawyer-Corsino
  • Michelle Savage
  • Jannette
  • Sandy Graf

Janiece Young's Discussions

My nightmare, trying to refinance my home.
8 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Janiece Young Jul 18, 2015.

Trial in Las Vegas
3 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by D Sanders, RDR, CRR Jan 3, 2015.

Stenograph $150 fee to set up new computer even for customers under maintenance contracts
6 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Marge Teilhaber (TILE hobber) Oct 24, 2014.


Janiece Young's Page

Profile Information

What is your occupation?
Freelance Court Reporter and Owner of Young Court Reporting
What state do you live in?
Kansas City Metropolitan area
How did you find out about CSRnation?
What is your CSR number if you're a court reporter?
Kansas 798; Missouri 1217
If reporter/scopist, what software do you use?
Case Catalyst


Cell phone:  (816) 854-9277

Email:  jyoung.courtreporter@gmail.com

I have multiple iPads to supply realtime to attorneys.  I use iCVnet to provide realtime.

I am certified in Kansas and Missouri and have my RPR.

Latest Activity

Janiece Young replied to Maryann Meister's discussion Elan Mira A3 error message
"That's a really old writer.  Time to upgrade.  You use your writer to make a living; so --"
Mar 17
Greta Hitchcock joined Janiece Young's group


The purpose of this group is to share how you organize your work.  This is for freelancers, officials, CART, any category of court reporter.See More
Jan 2, 2024
Janiece Young replied to Brirtney Dudley's discussion Wide DZ and asterisk key help!
"Call Worth Business Machines in Chicago.  Also, you should probably be calling TopCat as opposed to emailing.  I have used TopCat for years and they are very responsive.  I suggest you do not try this on your own.  You will mess…"
Dec 10, 2023
Michelle L. Dawkins joined Janiece Young's group


The purpose of this group is to share how you organize your work.  This is for freelancers, officials, CART, any category of court reporter.See More
Aug 29, 2023
Janiece Young replied to Renee Pacheco's discussion Case Cat Auto indexing for arbitrations
"I have one.  Do you still need an index?"
May 3, 2023
Laura Melton joined Janiece Young's group


The purpose of this group is to share how you organize your work.  This is for freelancers, officials, CART, any category of court reporter.See More
Feb 3, 2023
April L. Crites joined Janiece Young's group


The purpose of this group is to share how you organize your work.  This is for freelancers, officials, CART, any category of court reporter.See More
Jul 15, 2022
Janiece Young replied to Richard Dudgeon's discussion How does a besieged dad find a reporter
"Mr. Dudgeon, I just saw your post.  You more than likely will have to give the reporter a deposit. Good luck to you. Janiece"
Jul 12, 2022

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Janiece Young's Blog

Question for California Reporters on "marking" a portion of a transcript

I have had a California attorney say on the record, "I want that marked." I would appreciate input from any California reporters. Do you just indicate it on your index page? It wasn't a question. It was actually a little dust-up between the attorneys. Please give me your advice.

Posted on September 6, 2009 at 19:26 — 3 Comments

Advice on preparing for the Realtime Exam

Hey, Everybody,
I am thinking about taking the Realtime Exam. I've been supplying realtime. I would appreciate any tips anyone who has taken it can give me, any things I need to do before I go and take the exam. I'm assuming, fix problems that you find in your dictionary. Any input you all have to give would be much appreciated.

Posted on June 17, 2009 at 6:18 — 8 Comments

"BRIEF IT" I like it.

Hey, Everybody,

I just recently got updated to 10.3 on Case CATalyst. One of the new features is "Brief it." I used it today and I really think I'm going to like it. The software watches what's going on in the transcript and comes up w/ some one-stroke briefs for you as you are writing along. Some of them are kind of whacky but I chose to use a couple of them and it really helped me out. I found out my hands really held up a lot better b/c I was able to use one strokes for certain… Continue

Posted on April 1, 2009 at 16:01 — 2 Comments


Monday (3/16) I am going to cover my first internet streaming job. I have done realtime for attorneys many times. On this job they would like internet streaming simultaneously w/ realtime for the attorneys who are actually in the room. We can get the internet streaming to work but can't seem to get the realtime to work so far. Any tips, thoughts, ideas?

Posted on March 15, 2009 at 16:33 — 15 Comments

Comment Wall (29 comments)

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At 14:42 on April 6, 2016, Karen Everhart said…

Thanks, Janiece.

I need to show up here more often...

At 11:01 on September 24, 2014, Tori Schafer said…

Ugh.  Missed the question mark.  How embarrassing.

At 11:00 on September 24, 2014, Tori Schafer said…

Young was my maiden name.  How could I not accept a friend invite from a potential long-lost relative. :)

At 14:51 on August 17, 2014, Diane Lynn Schad said…

Thanks so much, Janiece.   Looking forward to it.  Good luck with your rushes.  I'm

working on about 700 pages myself. They always seems to hit at once.  Lol

At 9:25 on November 8, 2013, Laurie H. said…


Thank you for the recent referral.  Appreciate it!

At 13:21 on October 5, 2013, Kelli Combs (admin) said…

Thanks, Janiece.  Just spent the last two hours in a dentist chair.  Not quite what I had in mind.  LOL

At 6:19 on June 12, 2013, Kelli Combs (admin) said…

Thanks, Janiece

I am very happy to be home.  The vacation was a tad too long.  Two weeks would have been better I think.

At 16:56 on March 20, 2013, Linda said…

Hi Janiece, yes probably to the Dana B. topic, although it always makes my skin crawl every time I hear her name.   Moving along to happier topics, I don't do scoping but am seriously thinking maybe I should b/c of this "no work" situation happening around here.  I have no clue what the scoping involves.  Is it something I can do from my Case Catalyst software I use for myself or do you have to have separate "scoping" software?



At 17:50 on March 11, 2013, Kelli Combs (admin) said…

Hey, Janiece

I posted pics of both dresses.  Let me know your "True" thoughts, please.

At 14:27 on January 4, 2013, Mary Chmura said…

Hello my friend!!!!  How were your holidays?


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