Pinkey, thanx for the compliment for my Grandson. You just got back from where he lives -- he's in Miami, way too far from me!!
Well, I have lived in Cali since my Mom moved us here a long, long time ago. I always went 'home' for Carnival every year, basically, until my Grandmother passed away in 1989, right there @ Orleans & Claiborne, the second porch, where she had lived since becoming one of the first tenants to move into the Lafittes.
As far as reporting, I have just recently retired as an Official for the Superior Court here, having reported in the criminal courts since 1980, and am now scoping for other reporters (whenever I can get work, that is :-(!!
Anyway, welcome again and if you need any scoping or proofing done, just give me a Holla!!! Cynthia
Pinkey, my home-girl, welcome aboard!! I'm going to try to get there for Mardi Gras '10. I last tried in '06, but my hotel had lots of damage due to Katrina. Hope you enjoy the site. Cynthia