Jaimie's Comments

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At 8:45 on November 16, 2009, Trevor McCutchen said…
Thanks, Jaimie! Actually, I recently interned on Friday and come to find out, due to the economic turmoil, there is a one-year hiring freeze at the courthouse!!! :-( I guess I'm gonna have to try to look elsewhere for work. It's a bummer, but I'm confident I'll eventually find some work!

Well, good luck to you as well! Keep in touch. I will try to go on CSR Nation more so I can reply more promptly next time. :-)
At 16:35 on November 12, 2009, Trevor McCutchen said…
Haha...I forgot to tell you where I'm planning to work! I was thinking of applying at the Stockton courthouse and start there. I don't really care where or what - depo or court - I just want to work!! :-)
At 11:18 on November 12, 2009, Trevor McCutchen said…
Hey, Jaimie! Sorry it took me so long to respond, but I've been VERY busy w/ all this testing. No time for online time! lol

Thanks for the encouragement. I have my written results and passed both the Professional Practice and English portion. Now I'm just waiting EAGERLY for the machine results!! I feel good about the test. It seemed fine, but we'll see!! :-)

How are you doing? I hope you're doing good and getting all those passes! Shoot for the February test!
At 11:17 on November 1, 2009, Jaimie said…
That's all you can do. It will click....honestly. You have a nice rest of your day, too. Me.....I'm working. The life of a reporter.....:)
At 11:09 on November 1, 2009, Jaimie said…
Practice, practice, practice. That's the only thing that's going to get you used to hearing more than two people talking at a time. And then....it will just be like second nature. You won't even hesitate.....
At 9:46 on November 1, 2009, Jaimie said…
Hey, Jaimie!!! Good to hear from you. I'm doing well. How about you? How are you doing in school? Let me know!!!! And.....thanks for writing!!!
At 15:40 on September 14, 2009, Trevor McCutchen said…
Of course! Thanks. I'm somewhat nervous, but happy to be done w/ school. :-) Well, good luck w/ your schooling and feel free to comment me if you have anymore questions!
At 15:23 on August 28, 2009, Tami said…
I don't know then.

I ordered Eclipse this week. Should get it next. I'm ready to get off of Procat after 22 years. I'm actually pretty excited about it!
At 16:02 on August 27, 2009, Tami said…
It worked, right??

Control E inside your job.

"Suppress the line numbers."

I have my computer in front of me now, so I could be a little more concise.
At 22:17 on August 26, 2009, Tami said…
Try control E

You'll find the tab on there.

Let me know if you figure it out.

Hope school is going great!!
At 16:36 on August 24, 2009, Trevor McCutchen said…
LOL... Yes, I go to class Mon-Fri, however, since I passed a qualifier, I usually take Fridays off to intern or just study for the CSR examination.

Well, I kind of exagerrated on the "three-hour" brief practice. What I do is take trouble words from tests and look them up in Brief Encounters, then write them down and commit them to memory. So just spend as much time as it takes to look the brief/phrase up and memorize it! :-)

That's too bad you can't transfer to Argonaut. Besides the obvious financial benefit, everyone who has transferred seems to be progressing very rapidly. I think it's in part to do with being at school 6 hours a day, 5 days a week. More time on the machine = Quicker rate of progress!! And yes, home does have way too many distractions. haha
At 12:15 on August 22, 2009, Trevor McCutchen said…
Well, at Argonaut school is from 8:30-2:00, so we have about 3 hours of nonstop practice/takes, and then three more hours of brief/phrase study or more practice! Whew, it's exhausting. haha

What I find helpful for me is the online dictation and Welsh's 4V videos, which Argonaut supplies. I just bump up the speed and practice. I think it's beneficial to hear fast interchange, even if you can't write it accurately, so that it will train your brain to think that quickly. Then, after listening and attempting to write at these high speeds, slow it down to your target speed, and it will seem like a breeze! lol. Mark Kislingbury also uses this technique and he's able to write 360 wpm! You might want to try it out! :-)

Hopefully these suggestions help you! Feel free to ask anymore questions you have. I'm glad to help out. Have a great weekend!
At 21:43 on August 21, 2009, Alexis McCutchen said…
Hi Jaimie.

Mark dictates a Q/A that gives good practice for the Answer extension; ie: A Yes., A Yes, sir., A Yes, ma'am, et cetera. It has saved me, countless times, during the qualifier. I'm really using only the short phrases. It's just enough to get me through the hurdle when it starts to get too popcorny (is that a word?)

Anyway, I've started with the Q extensions and now I'm practicing the Court extentions. the Court has been a challenge. then my problem is when I read my notes, I'm not used to seeing the vowels with the court so I have completely overlooked sustained, overruled, et cetera and type what I see next.

For example, it should read: THE COURT: Overruled. You may answer. I type: "You may answer." I hope that makes sense.

Anyway. It's good practice to readback too!!!

Hope that helps.

Hope all is well with you. Have a super weekend!
At 20:29 on August 19, 2009, Trevor McCutchen said…
Hey! Thanks for the b-day comment. Yeh, i'm super stoked to make it through this quickly, however, i'm trying to keep from being nervous for the test in October. All I did was practice about 20 wpm faster than my target speed, and then practice at my target speed, and I found I could write accurately up to speed. You might want to try this technique. ALso, I REALLY recommend memorizing as many briefs and phrases as you can, because I find that the briefs I know have saved me from failing tests. Every less stroke helps keep up to speed! Well, good luck and have fun writing! Hope this helped!
At 10:50 on August 5, 2009, KJM said…
Stenograph sells it. Or just remind me at school, and I'll loan it to ya!
At 18:31 on July 11, 2009, Trevor McCutchen said…
Thanks Jaimie!! It still feels like a dream passing my qualifier and getting very close to becoming certified!!! I will keep you posted how the October test goes, and hopefully I'll be a CSR next time we talk!! :-)
At 17:50 on May 21, 2009, Alexis McCutchen said…
At 17:42 on May 21, 2009, Alexis McCutchen said…
How did I miss your birthday?!? Sorry. Well, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY! Hope you had a good day.

Hey, I read your blog on Magnum Steno and I wanted to say, 'YOU ARE NOT A NERD!" I had been in 180-200 for...hmmm...a long time and when I left Humphreys I was one short of getting to 4V. But that was a loooooong journey.

Hang in there. It does seem weird to be in 180-200, yet still be in 150-170 3V. I passed a 170 3V before my 160 3V. And a 160 SM before my 150. Go figure. Craziest thing ever. Actually, it was the type of material and who my teacher was. I do better with certain teachers.

Hope you have a great weekend.
At 14:20 on May 5, 2009, Jaimie said…
Thank you for the birthday wishes!!!
At 13:53 on May 5, 2009, KJM said…
Happy Birthday!!!! Hope you have a splendid day!

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