We made it.......you can barely hear me but I'm saying "My third and LAST TIME I will EVER hike Half Dome!!"

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Comment by Angela on June 17, 2009 at 13:08
Comment by Mary Motley O'Brien on December 2, 2008 at 22:28
Nevada Falls is the one past Vernal. The last time I had done that hike was in high school and boy, is it different at 13 than at 37. I remember telling my husband the best part is climbing the cables going up........NOT!!! He had wanted to do it three days before our wedding in '05. We had been training but thank God the cables weren't up yet in June because of the excessive snowfall in the high sierras that year. So we went to the top of Nevada, had lunch and back. That was perfect. But now after doing it, he is really glad we didn't do it right before the wedding. How funny, 2006 is when we did it. We had been up there in June for our anniversary and then went back for a family reunion in August and that's when we hiked it. My mom's side of the family grew up going camping there every summer, and my parents continued the tradition. That's why it's such a special place and I wanted to get married there =)
Comment by Tami on December 2, 2008 at 20:27
Man, Mary, what incredible footage. I so love Yosemite, too, but I've never been tough enough to tackle Half Dome.

Made it to the falls past Vernal one time. The name escapes me. Almost made it up there last time with our little boys, but we were carrying one, and just couldn't make it to the top. That was in June of '06.

It's such an amazing place.

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