The doctor has a very heavy accent and speaks really quickly and mumbles. Yes, it was a joy.
And so this is a brain that has both hyper and hypometabolism. But that is not necessarily a -- an incompatibility or inconsistency. It's reflective of the fact the brain is an erogenous structure and -- and that injury can result in different effects in different parts of the brain.
It sounds like erogenous. Do you guys have a better word that might fit better.
And . . . .
As opposed to right hemisphere of the brain, which is more the nondominant hemisphere and more involved with non-linguistic function, you know, like -- such as proximity. But, you know, this would be consistent with impairment to the frontal lobe, especially on left side. And -- and it would be consistent with impairment in the frontal lobe mediated type functions, which would include the ability to abstract information, the ability to make changes in conclusions when the information is warranted, things like that.
I swear it sounds like he said proxity. But I'm thinking it should be proximity. What do you think?