My stacking Mira of Murrieta . . .
DUI cop on stand, asked, "Blah, blah . . . What are you looking for?
A. Well, I want to see how well he could maintain his balance. Again, the symptomology [sic] of SKWHRAOPBLD it does to the motor skills.
I think i just figured out part of it while I was writing this. . .
", and what"
That leaves an extra O and L combined with all the other words on there. I think it's a three-word stack.
I write ", and" SKWRAND, if that helps.
Yes, I now, thanks to Magnum Steno, have embraced the SKP- for "and," but I still write an AND for "and" when it stands alone and in this instance. There are probably a couple more instances.
Anyway, any suggestions??
This is the only reason (A WRITER THAT STACKS) where I feel I might break down one day and start using audio.
Okay. I said it! :)