I know that I'm a bit sick when I get excited about briefs, but I actually do. I've been writing Ed E*D for the last 30 years, and I hate it every single time I write it. I hate that stroke.

Thanks to Mark & TKWARD, I have now mixed it up, and Ed is now TKWED. And I can't wait until someone says Edwin, so I can throw that TKWEUPN in there, too.

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Replies to This Discussion

Oh, Janet, join the club! I actually give a little jump of joy and excitement when I find a shiny new brief! It's a sickness for sure. LOL
Just another very ill reporter here . . . :)
My name is April . . . and I'm a briefaholic!
So good to know I'm not alone anymore. I think of them when I'm driving. I am an addict.
I have an hour drive to school in the morning, so there are a few days a week where the first thing I do when I get set up is to enter the new briefs from listening to the morning talk radio broadcast :O
hehehe. you're not alone. it has been a hobby for me to learn shiny new briefs since theory. I remember in dictation classes afterwards there would always be some comment about: Agh! that x word or phrase! Is there some way around it?! It was always interesting to hear the suggestions of the top o' people's heads or something they found in a book^^
I understand the use of TKW for Edward and for Edwin...

But I've lost it on Ed as TKWED could someone explain that one to me?

Also, how would one write the word edit? edited? using the TKW...

As to briefs in general, I find myself falling to sleep thinking of them, or waiting places and thinking of them, or being driven somewhere or on the train/bus and thinking of them.

If someone has to have an obsession or a compulsion, or a hobby, not a bad one to have... IMHO... LOL...
I had been writing Ed "ED for 30 years, hating the stroke. Since Edward, Edwin and Ed are all forms of the same word, and they're written TKWARD and TKWIN, the TKWED made sense to me. ED is he had for me, so I couldn't use that. Use whatever works best for you. We all think differently.

I don't use the TKW for edit, so someone else will have to answer that one.
Janet, I started adding * to ED for Ed ages ago. But then I'd get ed, as in special ed, and I'd be stuck. DWED makes sense to me!

DW is distinguish. I've always used ETD for edit.
Janet, that's a great way to distinguish Ed. I've always had a conflict with Ed and ed since one of them had to take the asterisk. When you're only working with two letters, it's pretty hard to come up with a tie breaker.

Gary, I also write edit as ETD.
I have to spend much more time on Magnum Steno Club, because I have to admit I write edit in two strokes. I've been focused more on cutting down the bigger words into one stroke. The other day I had diversification come up about 20 times in a deposition. When I had two seconds to stop and create a brief, I came up with TK-FRGS.

I'll change "edit" right now while I'm thinking of it.
I got ETD in school. We had such a great teacher! She gave us tips from when she was reporting, things that worked and helped cut things down.

I LOVE D-FRGS!! It's an open outline for me. *snag*


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