To view the NCRA election results, go to

Melanie Sonntag won the election for president.

A bylaws amendment to do away with requiring an endorsing member for enrolling new members was passed.

A bylaws amendment to allow videographers to join as full members was defeated.


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Hate to be cynical here, but I wonder if the Board, NomComm, whoever was at the gut of trying to remove her in the first place, will let this one stand. Have they learned their lesson yet?
I hope they've learned their lesson too, Judy! I heard this was the first time in 30 years that a second vote was required for the president-elect position, only because the nominating committee didn't select her. It's only obvious that the only reason they didn't want her is because she's not for certifying DAR/ER/Mask/Voice! I have a feeling we are going to see some change next year when she takes office. No more of these attempts to backdoor garbage in a STENOGRAPHIC association!
I am so thrilled to have Melanie as our new president. I think it's a great day for the CR world.

If someone told me I had to name only one person who loves this profession more than any CR I've ever met, I wouldn't have to pause a second. That is Melanie Humphrey-Sonntag.

We're in great hands!!
You know it!!!!
Just when I gave up on the NCRA and saw it as nothing but an enemy from within, I think there might be just a glimmer of a light at the end of this tunnel. So glad I was able to vote via my trusty BlackBerry! Yay!
It seems like the NCRA will be changing, much to a lot of people's dismay. Oh, well. I am so glad that Melanie one. Here's to a new beginning!
Talk about not proofreading. I meant "so glad Melanie won". It's the weekend.
Tricia, I do that kind of stuff all the time and people must think how am I a reporter! LOL. I think it's because are brains are always in phonetic mode and we just pick a!
I do it, too, Matthew, all the time, so that's the only reason I can let you know you cracked me up with your post and "are" brains!!!! :)

I know you know the difference. Sometimes I read something I've written and think, Oh, lordie, I can't believe I typed that!! I'm such an IDIOT!!

Anywho, were aul hueman. I figer if I git jugged on stiff lick that, oh well. . .
Fantastic! On both counts (Melanie and the bylaws amendment that passed. And ditto for the failure of the videographers amendment defeat).

I'm wishing Melanie the very best of luck during her term.

And I hope she can address some of the service issues of the organization, as well as the disconnects between the membership and the organization.
While I'm glad that Melanie won, I'm sticking to my word that if the MtR fails, I'm outta here. I WILL NOT pay for my so-called association to empower the enemy. For all I care, the NCRA could welcome the rotary club, Girl Scouts, boys choir, the high school marching band, Costco members, the badminton club and anyone else they want as members.

So, for all the remaining members or any new members the NCRA might acquire, y'all have fun now, y'hear? The NCRA means nothing more to me than a whore, you know, pay to play ... except in this case, the NCRA is not going to turn any tricks for you. It's 68 and they owe you one.
Quyen: I admire your decision because it shows you have integrity and will do what you say.
NCRA is in the process of abandoning steno reporters - especially in California and Texas - and
while it will be a gradual process of making NCRA an umbrella organization, it is inevitable as NCRA
refuses to downsize to serve its core membership and instead has chosen the corporate path of seeking more streams of revenue to maintain its present size. I dropped out a few years back after
24 years of membership and dropped all my certifications as they awarded the DSA award to a nemesis of steno depo reporters, in my opinion. Not once has NCRA attempted to regain my membership.. . . . . To me, the ONLY way to clearly effect change in an organization whose leadership refuses to listen to the membership is to get rid of the leadership (which no one stepped forward to to do) or to take away your dues so they have less $$ to operate with. Just my opinion though.


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