I am a new Eclipse scopist and talked to a reporter recently about scoping but she uses Catalyst. Neither one of us knew whether the different programs are convertible from one format to the other and my query on the forum here didn't bring up a response either. I'm sure many of you know the answer to this and would certainly appreciate some feedback. I would think that maybe some formats are convertible but not sure.

Thanks. Debra

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I'm a Case scopist and have no experience whatsoever with Eclipse. On the Case side of things, tell the reporter to read up on "RTF" in "Help" in Case. That should get things started on her end. You'll be receiving RTF files from her. I'm guessing Eclipse discusses RTF files in their Help section, so you'll need to check that out.

Having said all that, some people have good (or tolerable, at least) results working with RTF files; some don't. I guess you'll just have to try it out and see how it goes. Good luck!

Hey, Pat - Thanks so much for that info. I'm familiar with RTF and never thought it could be anything that simple. Thus, then, the mixed results you indicate, I guess. I will give it a whirl and see how it works for me. Thanks so much for the feedback; I love having CSR Nation as a resource.

Hi Debra,

You can convert with RTF files, but the formatting sometimes comes out off a bit. For example, you might see an {F} and text on the left side of the page when there is supposed to be a centered line. Try it and just check the transcript carefully.

Thanks! I think I'm beginning to understand. If I'm understanding this correctly, this problem of converting different versions of CAT software from one to the other and back and forth is about the same as converting WordPerfect and MS Word documents back and forth. A bit tricky at times. Thanks for the feedback.



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