Esquire Deposition Solutions purchases 23 new ads in JCR at 50% of actual market value of ads

Just thought it might be of interest to forum readers that Esquire Deposition Solutions bought 23 new ads in the Court Reporter Listing ad section the September issue of the Journal of Court Reporting.

The new Esquire ads are for the states of Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas, Virginia and Washington.

Also in the May issue of JCR Merrill Corporation bought a dozen new ads in the Journal of Court Reporting Court Reporter Listings for Alabama,. California, District of Columbia, Georgia, Illinois, Massachusetts, Mississippi, New York, Pennsylvania, Texas, Washington and Asia.

The NCRA board of directors has said those JCR Court Reporter Listing ads must be sold at 50% of their actual market value or else the advertisers would cancel their ads, and that, after all, the NCRA board of directors giving low ad rates is merely helping NCRA members who are freelance agency owners.

I wish average non-freelance agency owner NCRA members could get some preferential treatment and such a wonderful benefit as is given freelance agency owners, a benefit worth far, far, far more than any dues any freelance agency owners may pay.

I have always said what about the poor average NCRA members who must have their dues raised to cover revenue shortfalls while the NCRA board is discounting ad prices as a special favor to freelance agencies, some of whose owners are NCRA members and some of whose owners are not NCRA members.

Also has anybody checked?

Are Merrill Corporation and Esquire Deposition Solutions freelance members of NCRA entitled to benefit from ads sold at 50% of their actual market value?

Also, isn't it wonderful for Merrill Corporation and Esquire Court Reporting that their ads are not restricted to specific cities in states and that both firms can get statewide listings in ads arranged by seniority and not by city.

Bill Parsons

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Just yesterday I sent the NCRA board of directors an e-mail describing in detail my concerns over the results of the ad policies of the JCR Court Reporter Listings vis-a-vis the best interests of the average NCRA members.

I don't choose to detail my concerns on this forum. Those concerns have been discussed ad naseum on other forums, but if anyone has an interest in my concerns over the results of the ad policies as they affect the interests of average NCRA members, they may request a copy of my recent e-mail to the NCRA board of directors.

My basic concern is members dues having to be raised to $260 per year in order to make up for shortfalls in ad income due to overly generous ad discounts and great losses in the number of advertisers because of dissatisfaction with NCRA ad policies.
My e-mail address is

Hehe, I knew I wasting my time.

"Hi Monti,
As I understand, those spots are sold out for the year.  However, you may wish to check with Jamie Williams at Naylor, LLC.  They sell our advertising spaces on the web. or 800-369-6220 x3393"

Just to be clear.I asked for their Internet spots, not the JCR (which was also full when we inquired 2 years ago)
then she gave me a name of someone that could get me spots on other sites.. Lol.
Well, blaah.


The above scenerio doesn't sound like good business to me. You call up to pay money to NCRA to place an advertisement on their website, and the staff person gives you the name of someone who can get you spots on other sites?

NCRA needs your advertising money to raise revenue to cover NCRA expenses, nevermind referring advertising to other websites.

Something appears very wrong here.

As I understand it, Naylor sells ads for the PSL Service on the website, and that's an advertising section where freelance agencies purchase ads.

I will try to find out further information.

Hi Monti,

Any NCRA headquarters staff person who gave you your information was totally wrong.

I just got off the phone with Jamie Williams. Naylor Company is revamping the NCRA website and doing away with text ads. Non-changing banner type ads will replace the present text ads at the NCRA website.

Everything will be ready in two weeks. There will be new rates and a new inventory of ads.

Jamie also recommends that you purchase ads in the monthly NCRA Tech Tracker Newsletter
which is sent to 19,000 reporters every month.

It appears there should be no problem with your purchasing an ad on the NCRA website.

Jamie is going to send me ad rates for the monthly NCRA Tech Tracker Newsletter.

So if you hang in there, I don't see why you shouldn't be able to purchase an ad which you have been waiting so long to purchase.

As I say, keep us posted. There are many reporters that want you to be able to purchase an ad and in so doing increase the advertising revenue to NCRA to offset increases in member dues.

Best Regards, Bill
Thanks Bill!
We will get on it then, would love to advertise on there.

Ahh.. That could be it then.
She said that he sells spots on the web, so I took it to mean on other sites on the net.
I only want to advertise on the ncraonline site, not interested in other websites.

Maybe I will email him and see what he says.
Hi Monti,

I just received the advertising rates for the NCRA Tech Tracker.

You can forget advertising in the NCRA Tech Tracker. The ad prices are so high that only big business would be able to afford ads in the NCRA Tech Tracker.

3 months of ads are $2,100. 6 months of ads is $3,900. 12 months of ads is $7,000.

So that ad section is unavailable for average court reporters, scopists, forum operators, et cetera.

Best Regards, Bill
Throughout my career as a court reporter I have set a standard of excellence as can be attested to by my being the moving person to bring NCRA testing to Connecticut and being the first chief examiner of NCRA testing in Connecticut. That standard of excellence can also be attested to by virtue of the fact that I took NCRA exams to pass the old Certificate of Proficiency and Merit tests.

Also I set a standard of excellence in leading campaigns to overturn NCRA bans on classified ads in the Journal of Court Reporting. Those classified ads were totally banned at one time, and if anyone has ever read a classified ad in the Journal of Court Reporting, you have myself and my supporters to thank for those ads being available to you.

I have also set standards of excellence in reforming NCRA advertising policies for many, many years.

I recently sent the NCRA board of directors an e-mail describing in detail my concerns over the results of the ad policies of the JCR Court Reporter Listings vis-a-vis the best interests of the average NCRA members.

I don't choose to detail my concerns on this forum. Those concerns have been discussed ad naseum on other forums, but if anyone has an interest in my concerns over the results of the ad policies as they affect the interests of average NCRA members, they may request a copy of my recent e-mail to the NCRA board of directors.

My basic concern is members dues having to be raised to $260 per year in order to make up for shortfalls in ad income due to overly generous ad discounts and great losses in the number of advertisers because of dissatisfaction with NCRA ad policies.

My e-mail address is



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