Okay. So here's the hypothetical; you took a deposition down that was fast, you got everything and it made sense at the time, but when you got back home and were editing and reading over your job, what you have for an answer doesn't seem to make any sense. The audio back-up is not of any help. Now, is this where you use the (inaudible)? If so, is it absolutely dreaded to use the (inaudible)?? I seem to worry that if you have even one trascript that says (inaudible) in it, that the attorney is not going to want to hire you back.

What does everyone else think??:)

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I agree that it's a great tool. I certainly didn't mean to imply that I don't think it's great, but it is clear from this post that reporters are relying on it and not getting a clean and accurate record from the moment they hear it, and I don't see how we can make the argument that we are so much better than technology when we depend on it so much.
Can't argue with that.

I think it depends on the state. I started my career in New Jersey. Audio recording was positively unheard of and something you dare not do. Like you, for the first 12 years I was audio-less [sic]. hehe

When I moved to Tulsa, I had attorneys constantly ask ME, "Where is your recorder?" I was like, "Huh? Recorder?" It was news to me that reporters even used them. I finally caved and got a microcassette recorder to avoid that daily question. The first year or so I placed it on the table - no tape, no batteries. Then ... I had an attorney request a copy of my (ghost) tape because the witness lied about his Social Security number. I told a big, fat lie about dead batteries, and started really recording them. I will admit that I have used that tape to check a spot or two. Also, when I had a scopist, they came in VERY handy because she used them to do my transcripts if she got to steno she couldn't read. I could be out taking more work and she was cranking out pages for me. It was a very productive tool.

So, yes, they come in handy. Do I rely on them? NO. I mark a quick -Z-Z while writing if I question what I wrote. If I can't read it, I'll check the tape. I'd rather watch cement cure than listen to a tape to do a transcript. And you're right - there are some reporters who rely on them exclusively, which I could never understand, but so be it. I'll join you in being lynched, but I think they should be used a strictly a backup only.
I've been reporting about four years. When I started I hid my audiosync microphones. Now I just kind of stick them out there as it seems more attorneys know about it. What do you guys do?
I put mine on a tiny little tripod right in front of the witness. I've been doing that for a year and a half and haven't had any complaints.

I've heard of a couple reporter friends being questioned in the middle of a depo or during a break when an attorney notices their mic clipped to some wires, and they seem upset to find out that it's being recorded. I figure by putting it right out there, it doesn't look like I'm trying to hide it, and if someone does want to object to it, at least it will be right up front at the beginning.

I also carry a printout of the CSR Board's best practices for the use of BAM (back-up audio media) and feel ready to explain or defend what the recording is for and what it isn't for if I'm ever challenged on it. So far, it's never been an issue.
Hi, Cassie. This would have been a good conversation back during the time of the Motion to Rescind, wouldn't it? I get that same feeling as you reading other boards, when reporters go all to pieces when their audio sync doesn't work, and they're sweating bullets until they find a way to recover it. At the same time, we don't want the same audio sync that we use as a tool to replace us. I think there are going to be a few very interesting years here in this Tipping Point between steno being the gold standard, to something else being the gold standard. Now, I'm a realtime reporter, and very confident that no recording device, voice recognition, or voice-trained system of ANY kind can do what I can do, to the level of accuracy that I can do it in realtime. But there's a lid for every pot, and all levels of reporting skill and abilities, and while many reporters want to be paid the big bucks for getting it down with their specialized machines, that does raise the question of why pay big bucks for someone who can kind of run the specialized machine, but looks to the competition to fill in the blanks? With the exception of realtime, I think the rest of reporting is going to be affected greatly by lowered page rates when they come more in line with transcribers rates. Plus, remember, transcribers rarely have to worry about someone stealing a copy sale, because I would venture to say transcribers are rarely paid for copy sales. They are transcribing an event for someone, and that "someone" is going to do with it what they will. Good point, Cassie.

I do not put inaudible. Ask for a repeat. If going too fast, ask for a repeat. I only do this once or twice. My experience is people will not change speaking habit for depo. In one depo I had I asked a third time for the people to please stop speaking over each other. Last time I did it, the attorney pushes his chair angrily away from the table. The very next question is interrupted again by the expert witness, and they all start laughing....ha, ha....I was not. I've had to tell the attorney off the record that his russian witness needs to stop interrupting. He was understanding, but still continued the same. If it's bad, let them know, do the best you can. The indian doctors I tend to keep asking for a repeat. I had one uneducated woman who I could not understand...I went off the record after numerous "excuse me" ...asked the attorney if he was understanding her....'cause I could tell he wasn't....he said he wasn't either......the two attorneys agreed that one attorney would ask the other attorney the question, then give me the response. So there are times when they don't hear or understand either, but somehow think that you magically do.


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