Okay, I have a few days to list:
Moderate day: Overhead Squats, Good Mornings, Rows, Supermans, Tricep Curls, Mummy (Where you're on the floor on your back and have to use your core to lift yourself up like a mummy. Very exhausting!)
High day: Jump rope, half spinal rocks, wide mountain climbers, shinbox twists
Joint Mobility exercises
Low day: Yoga with Jeff (my trainer)
Moderate day: Squats, Good Mornings, Rows (standing on one leg and switching after each row), Supermans, Tricep Curls, Mummy
High day: Jump rope, half spinal rocks, wide mountain climbers, bicycle crunches
Joint Mobility day

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Workout with Jeff:
* Joint mobility
* lat pulls
* box squats
* push-ups on ball propped against cabinet (concentrating on using chest muscles)
* spinal rocks (finally graduated to full!)
* Plank
* cat/cow
* locust
Did two more poses but I can't remember which ones right now... I'll report it later if I remember.
* CST GX Mobility Primer
* CST GX Yoga Flow, seal arms, tricep pull downs

If I don't get any transcription work by the time I finish my CART job this afternoon I'll go for a walk, too!
Workout with Jeff:
* Joint mobility
* box squats
* push-ups on ball propped against cabinet (concentrating on using chest muscles)
* rows on machine
* Turkish stand-ups (don't bother asking... kinda hard to describe)
* cat/cow
* locust
* Gracies (not sure it's actually yoga but it's a cool down nonetheless)
Sorry, I have been exercising just not getting on here and logging it...
I'm not training again until 2010 so nothing too exciting for a while...

20-minute walk with Mom

20-minute walk with Mom in the morning, 25-minute walk with Mom and Dad in the late afternoon

Got together with Jeff and a few of his other clients for a walk/jog/sprinting for about an hour (my pedometer clocked us at about 3.5 miles but it's not calibrated and we were switching between walking, jogging, and sprinting but it's a start). Then we all went out to lunch, on him! Much nicer on the booty than the studio cycling class at the Y I was supposed to do with Amy G.
Awe, sorry to hear you were in the hopt! feel better!
Nothing :(
Walked Jake: 20 minutes, 1.15 miles
Walked Max: 25 minutes, 1.57 miles.
*** Out with the old (poor eating habits), in with the new (good eating habits). Crappy way to have to start doing it though :(
While working in a pet store I discovered they have leashes for rats, guinea pigs, and rabbits. Never quite gotten the point of that...
Went to the gym. I think I was there actually working out for abt an hour. Joint Mobility, Treadmill, various machines, crunches. Crunches are getting better. They have those board things where you can hook your feet under a bar to help support your crunches or sit-ups. I discovered I'm relying less on it than a few months ago and can feel my core working more than my quads, which is kind of the point!!!
Planned to do yoga today but couldn't find my DVD :( Walked the dogs for about half an hour with Dad instead. They enjoyed it because we set them loose in the tennis courts at the high school and let them run around for a bit. Happy puppies!
Rode my bike around the neighborhood. Normally takes 20 minutes. Today it only took me 15. Guess I'll have to do something else when I get to my sister's house!!!
* Joint Mobility in the morning
About 5:30 pm:
* 20- to 25-minute bike ride with Dad
* 15 minutes walking dogs with Dad
* 10 minutes yoga
Not much today:
* Joint Mobility
* 25-minute walk (Calabazas --> Monroe --> San Juan --> Monterey --> Cabrillo --> back down Calabazas). Knee was bothering me today and it sucked so I kind of wimped out...


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