Any tips, tricks, things to watch out for re LiveNote Stream?

I have my first streaming job set up and would like to know what others have encountered so I'll be that much more prepared.

Any info is much appreciated!

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Hi Judy,

If the attorneys in the room want to connect to the streaming, their e-mail addresses have to be provided to LiveNote ahead of time. It would be easier if everyone connected via the streaming, but I've done jobs where I have done both streaming and serial connections. The participants in the streaming session will be listed on the left-hand side of your Stream Manager screen on the transcript window.

LiveNote and Stream Manager do not refresh the transcript, except if you make a correction with the asterisk, maybe a few words.

There used to be a Test Session that you could log onto to test your connections prior to a job. The time to test is not when everyone is staring at you waiting to get going. Who needs that added stress? I'd ask the tech support again to give you a way to test it before the job.

If you set up everyone for streaming, you have to give LiveNote their e-mail addresses ahead of time so that they can be added to the session. LiveNote will then send them the session information. I think they want information 48 hours ahead of time, but check with them on that.
I notice on a previous depo taken in this case that the reporter listed all of the streaming participants on a separate page.

Question: The agency has given me a list of who's going to attend via stream, and you say that their appearance will be on the left side of the screen, but if perhaps I fail to write down everybody's appearance during the job -- or even if they come and go -- is there a screen shot that can be saved so I can see everybody that's attended to incorporate them on my appearance page?

Does that make ANY sense?
One more thing, make sure the conference room is equipped for several internet connections.
What you'll see on the left are e-mail addresses of the scheduled participants. I do not believe you can tell if they are actually connected. I hope the agency gave you their actual names and firms.
Thanks, Kelli, I didn't know about the heads turning green. Are you on the newest version, 1.6? I don't remember seeing that in the older version I have, but I might have just missed it.
By the way, Janet, you were right. Need to run LNS via a second computer with XP. Livenote spent 1 1/2 hours yesterday directly linked to my CAT Vista-running computer and could not get it up and running. They finally gave up. I had to tell the agency LN couldn't get me connected and they found another reporter for the job. LN says it's fixed in 1.6, but it isn't.
Wow, that is too bad. What was happening? Were you getting an error code or something?

I wonder if anyone on here has had any luck using the same computer with Vista and 1.6. I didn't even realize they had come out with 1.6. I have been using 1.5 all along.

I had so many problems with my Vista computer freezing in realtime that I went back to my XP, and now I've moved on to Windows 7, and the realtime output with Windows 7 works great.
It wouldn't let me into the test session. I forget exactly what it said, since I wasn't controlling my computer. They took complete control for almost the whole time.

I talked to HAP and he said to load LNS onto one of my throwdowns with XP. I did, and it let me into the software that time. As I was going to get my cords to hookup the two computers, I got the email that said the other reporter was already doing a test with LNS. Another ten minutes and it would have been done. But I had to tell the agency there were issues and couldn't leave it until the last minute. They're on one coast and I'm on the other and it just wouldn't have been fair to dump it on them late on a Friday afternoon for a 9:00 a.m. Monday job.

Oh well. Live and learn. You can be darn sure I'm not going to let that happen to me again! Trust the reporters that use the software, not the tech support, apparently.
Did you actually hook up to the test session after that happened to test it, anyway? I'd do that just to be sure so that next time you'll be confident that it works.
My LNS is a couple of years old. It is not all that new.

I would think it would have to change colors because how do you know who to bill? There are people that have the codes and are "supposed" to connect in but maybe they don't. You need a more precise way to actually be sure because I always have the black and white heads that never turn green on my screen like my office manager is one who never connects but her email address is there with the little head in black and white.
I've done mulitple LiveNote Steaming jobs. LiveNote has a great support team. You can test your connection directly with LiveNote before you go on a job. My suggestion is to check their web site and get as much information via that way or contact LiveNote directly and do a test feed to them. This is how I got started. Hope this helps!


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