Whoa, what's going on here???  Just got a job post from CSRNation with the heading

MALE CSR NEEDED - HUH???  Kelly???  Is this for real???  Sounds like DISCRIMINATION to me!


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Not the bigoted guys--but the reporters. And, yeah, screw those homophobes -- well, not screw -- you know what I mean.

I had a funny depo with a Middle Eastern man once.  My client was Jewish, the new Yale-graduate attorney (her first depo) was a black woman, me (woman--not good), another woman and a man in the room (attys), along with this guy's brother (more Westernized), his attorney (old cowboy type), and the videographer--it was a tense environment.  Well, this witness kept putting his hand over his mouth and finally the young attorney politely asked him if he would lower his hand because it was making it difficult for the court reporter to understand him.  Well, this guy WENT OFF ON HER--it was crazy.  Even his brother was saying, "Saheed, chill out, man."  It got to a boiling point when he loudly shouted, "You want me to stick this microphone up my ass???  I'll stick it up my ass!!," at which point the young male videographer started making his way up to the front--ain't nobody gonna stick his $200 Sony mike up their ass.  

Hahaha--sometimes you just can't beat this job ;).

OMG, that is so funny.  It would be hard to keep a straight face.  I know the videographers are very sensitive about their microphones.  I just showed your post to my husband.  That's classic.

I've taken a ton of Middle Eastern depos doing so much patent infringement cases and they seem to think women should be seen and not heard.  They are hard to understand a lot of times, and I have to speak up.  I can tell they don't like that much.  Too bad!

It is a classic!! I kid you not, at one point the attorney for angry-man said, about the Yale-grad attorney, "This woman's trying to tell you what to do." Really, dude? You really want to go there? Not me! Zip it!

We were in a small conference room (at cowboy's executive suite) and I had to squeeze in at corner of table between female attorney and angry-man. I guess the whole ordeal was very stressful for this guy--on so many levels. He's probably never been in a room with that many women in his life. On the other hand, his younger brother was totally chilled. This younger brother probably pissed off angry-man just on principle (lol).

Was is Magna? They posted on FB for male reporters and the reason given was for prison depos and the orthodox community.

Yes, it was Magna.


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