Hello all ~ Well, I'm beyond frustrated.  I've had HUGE problems with getting both the realtime AND DropBox working with CaseCatalyst.  Now I'm on the last greatest thing, "The Cloud" . . . BUT . . . although DropBox has worked beautifully in the past, it no longer works.  And the only way I can get the file to dump into DropBox for my scopist to get it is to close out the CaseCatalyst file!!  Which makes me so stressed during the breaks at a realtime job, because I have to hook up everything after sending the file to her.

Does anyone have ANY suggestions?  I spent 3 hours on the phone with support today, with NO avail!!

Thanks for your help,

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There is a trainer on Facebook that is named Sonja Wilcox and I think she has expertise in Dropbox.  She was a CC trainer.  She still is a CC trainer but is freelance and not working through Stenograph.  You might give her a shout.

Hello - Well, I checked FB, and there are too many Sonja Wilcoxes for me to tell which one she may be. Any other suggestions of how I can find her? Thanks!
Thank you!! I will try that.

How were you doing it in the past?  Via Work units?

Yes. And it USED to work!


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