Anyone still having issues of nonpayment or Super Slow Pay with NSSA?

I know there has been previous posts on this company and I am simply asking if anyone else is still having problems with NSSA? Has anyone received payment or is still owed a sum of money? I believe she's still in business and is paying current scopists for jobs they're doing now, but leaving all who she owes money to from last year a [whopping] $25 a month, if that. I know the balance she owes me is substantial, but the payments are sporadic not consistent. Can anyone relate? You're welcome to send a response to my inbox.

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I'm still owed a substantial sum of money for some jobs I did a year ago. Since contacting her about it, I have received $25 in payment. She sent out an e-mail in early May stating that beginning June 12, she is going to send a minimum of $25 a month to scopists who are owed for past jobs. We'll see what happens. I'm sure she intends to make good on this, but from her e-mail I gather that things are not good for her at all.
Same thing here. Still waiting for payment from last October/November/December (2008). Payments are SLOW and SPORADIC (if and when @ all). Rec'd a message this week that my $25 check was being held b/c reporters are paying NSSA slowly and NSSA rec'd a NSF check. So it appears to me she is still doing work....Ugh!
I've got some information I can share with you, but I'd rather do it through inbox. I've sent a friend request!

Please contact me about how to get paid by an agency that is withholding payment for my services, with no explanation

Whatever you do, be a pitbull and don't let down one second.  How long has it been since you turned in the work?  Was it on time and error-free?  Did you arrive to the job at least 30 minutes before the start time?   Any issues during the dep?  Any possible reason that they could have to refuse to pay you?  


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