Shelley Schniepp's Comments

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At 8:09 on December 19, 2024, Cathy Houser said…

Hi, Shelley.  I just checked in on CSR Nation after nearly a year or so and found your post for a Stenocat scopist.  I have been scoping on Stenocat for more than two decades and am need of a reporter to fill in my queue of reporters since two of mine have recently retired.  I'm hoping that you will forgive me for writing to you so late - I mostly use Facebook of LInkedIn to do my social stuff, but I promise to check back here on CSR Nation to see if you responded to me.  You can also email me at  I have over 40 years of experience in this field.  

Hope to hear from you soon!

At 8:57 on January 17, 2024, Krissten Bischof said…

Hi, Shelley. are you still looking for a scopist on Stenocat?

At 12:26 on January 6, 2020, kathy - iamwrdsmth said…

Hi, Shelley,  I saw that you were looking for a scopist on StenoCAT.  I am also looking for a scopist on StenoCAT and I wonder whether you can direct me to a good place to find a StenoCAT scopist??

thank you in advance,

kathy hettick, CSR 12505 (California)

At 11:01 on September 19, 2009, Julie Samford said…
Have a great birthday, Shelley!

At 8:36 on September 19, 2009, Christine (Steno Nerd) said…

At 6:59 on May 10, 2009, Roberta Richardson said…
I've been a freelance reporter in the Central Valley for 14 years. I've covered all kinds of cases; you name it. I'm currently on Eclipse, but started out the first 12 years on StenoCat. I live in Modesto, but cover Sacramento, Walnut Creek, Stockton, San Francisco, Fresno and Merced.
CSR No. 11337
Roberta Richardson
At 14:30 on May 6, 2009, Linda Nickerson said…
I am in Orange County, but will travel to San Diego for work. Let me know if you are interested. I am a 19-year reporter who does realtime.
My email address is My CSR No. is 8746.

Linda Nickerson
At 12:47 on May 6, 2009, Arleen Duckat said…
Dear Shelley,

I am a very experienced and good court/deposition reporter in San Diego. I do all overflow and freelance work. I haven't done Live Note work yet, but plan to by mid June. I am on Case Catalyst.

I am listed on CSR Nation and my email address is in case you'd like to contact me.

Thanks. Arleen Duckat, CSR #4085.

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