I don't know if this is where I should post this but I had my babies two months early by emergency C-Section on August 20th. They will be in NICU for two months or so and it's driving me crazy, but they're doing well. They're breathing on their own and just need to stay out from under the jaundice light and need to gain a whole lot of weight. They still weigh under 3 lbs.
I will post pictures as soon as I get them on this computer. With going to the hospital twice a day and pumping every 3 hours, I can't find time to do anything - and they're not even home yet!!!

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Congratulations on your twins! I have a soon-to-be three-year-old, and all I can say is, well, buckle up, because it's going to be a lot of work and a lot of fun! I can't imagine two of my little one. He keeps me on the go all the time, but I love it!

I'm sure it's hard for your babies not to be home with you. My son spent his first week in the hospital and that was pure hell for me. I just wanted to say congratulations, really. Hope they're able to go home soon!

Sabrina Schneider
S.O.S. Scoping Services
Congratulations to you! I know how you feel. My twins were also born two months early and stayed in the NICU. The great thing is they are breathing on their own. You've eliminated a whole slew of potential problems with that! And it's great you're pumping too. I had problems with that and we went to formula earlier than I wanted to. It's going to be a long and busy road, but you WILL do it. My twins are ID boys and are now 12 years old and going into 7th grade. The only lingering issue is that they are still smaller than everybody. I can definitely live with that even though they hate it, LOL! Good luck. BTW, what are their names?
Congratulations on your twins, and great news about their breathing on their own.
Well, my Dear Christie; Congratulations to you! I am so happy for you. I always wanted twins. I wanted all my kids at least two at a time. I only got them one at a time, but it was so much fun. Congratulations also on the pumping. Don't let them give them anything else but yours. I am an adamant fan of breastfeeding and if you can, 100% for 13 months. That's what I did with mine ( well not me but my wife). It was a great. Now, my fourth and youngest and only girl is not 20, but I remember those days as though they were yesterday. What BEAUTIFUL memories. Enjoy all you can now. I must say, the memories are a second-place enjoyment to the real thing. Believe me, I AM SOOOOOO HAPPY FOR YOU. Make sure you thank the Master also. That's so very important. Take care, God Bless and I would be honored for you to be my friend, so I'll do that next. Come to my site and read up all about me. My most fun I'm having on this site is helping the students, but if I can help & encourage you also, all the more enjoyment for me. Hope you are a master at finding everything on this site. If so you can find all my friends, see how I've helped them and it will give you something else to do instead of stressing on your kids which I'm sure are under the very capable watchful eyes of the Master and in his "care-full" hands. Until we meet again, I remain, Me.
Their names are Logan Reed and Dylan Cade Fagan.
Love those names!!
Congrats, Christy! And those are great names!!
I just returned from Austin -- babysitting my godsons (ages 9 and 12). I had a lot of fun, but I was exhausted! I can't imagine how crazy things are going to be for you once they're home, but I'm sure you'll figure it out as you go along. Looking forward to the photos!

Lots of good luck and good health with your twins. May your milk flow easily and quickly!!!

Congratulations on your babies! Can't wait to see pictures of them.
I was one month early, emergency C-section, a little under five pounds, jaundiced, with patches on my eyes. Not a lot of early baby pictures of me because I looked a little weird with a full head of hair.

Now I'm a court reporter!

(My mom always says my head is perfectly round because I was C-section. You're free to use that line on them in a few years.)
I hope everything continues to go well, Christy, and congratulations on two sweet little baby boys. I can't wait to see pictures! And I will keep you and your family in my prayers. My best friend had both of her girls early, so we spent a lot of time visiting the NICU. Hopefully the two months will fly by for you, and then the fun begins...and so much love! I am so happy for all of you.
Good luck, Christy! I hope your boys grow stronger by the minute. I think its great that you are pumping, even better for their little bodies. I hope you're feeling well considering what you've been through physically. Can't wait to see pictures.


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