Hi all ~ any ideas on this: "He reviewed the documents for the accuracy of the facts, but the scope and {tenderment} were some things that he didn't have any part in dealing with."
Tenderment is my outline and what I hear on the audio, but it doesn't make sense to me. I know to tender can be to offer, but I've never heard "tenderment," nor can I find it. (Not that the atty couldn't have just made up a word!?) OR am I just mishearing it and it's a common legal word that my brain is freezing on?

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I'd say he's making up words. People just can't leave perfectly good words alone!

The only word that I can think he could have meant is maybe "temperament," but it's still not proper usage of the word, I don't think. Temperament would be more a characteristic of a person, not documents. But we all know that sometimes attorneys, being human, use words that don't always convey the meaning they intend. I've copied in the definition from Answers.com.

Dictionary: temperament (tĕm'prə-mənt, tĕm'pər-ə-)


The manner of thinking, behaving, or reacting characteristic of a specific person: a nervous temperament. See synonyms at disposition.
The distinguishing mental and physical characteristics of a human according to medieval physiology, resulting from dominance of one of the four humors.
Excessive irritability or sensitiveness: an actor with too much temperament.
Music. Equal temperament.

Sabrina Schneider
S.O.S. Scoping Services
Thank you both. I actually think he made up a word or just said that when he meant something else. He was very ineloquent and kind of strange ~ so I'll just put "phonetic" and let it go before I get too obsessive about it:)
could bethe speaker is trying to say tenor (as in tone of the facts/documents whathaveyou) and is making a nonce word with the word "tenor" andthe suffix "ment". Then again, Stacy may have something there with "temperment" -- referring to the "tenor" or the documents.

Stacy: Since when are attorneys considered human? (My dad, two aunts, and three uncles are now turnin g over in their graves 'cause I said that.)


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