I just completed a scoping training school from Judy Barrett. I am looking for a court reporter that is willing to take a chance on a "newbie". I love to read and surf the internet.

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Hi Kim,

It's great to have you as a part of the scoping world. I'm sure you'll meet
lots of friendly scopists along the way as you continue to learn.
I'm a professed lifetime learner and can't see how scopists can be
anything but that. ;)
Just let us know whenever you have a question. We're a very friendly
and helpful bunch!!

Ms. Devon Roberts
Hi, Kim.

Good to see you out and about here!

Feel free to call me with regard to your marketing activities. Surfing and posting are good ways to get acquainted in the court reporting community. Fear of phoning sometimes comes into play, but my really successful students have always found that it's the best way to find clients.

Remember: "Faint heart never won fair court reporter"! And many reporters are happy to work with a "newbie" because they feel there are no bad habits to have to overcome. It's all a matter of each person's experience.
Thanks, Judy. I have been feeling a little down about not finding anyone yet. I keep thinking I am just being lazy and not putting my whole effort into it. I am making some phone calls, probably not as many as I should, so I know in the end it will pay off.
Hi, Kim.

Here's one of my favorite quotes from Thomas Jefferson:

"I'm a great believer in luck and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it."

I used to choose maybe 12 court reporters to call and, before going to bed, I would make up my list and have everything at the ready to hit it the next day. Too much thinking about it can keep you "lazy." When you're feeling down, there's nothing like activity to lift your spirits.

Usually, after a call or two, I was kind of "in the zone," and then I actually enjoyed the process.

There's nothing like direct communication between scopist and prospective reporter client to help both parties determine whether they're a match. And there's nothing like just acknowledging that it's not too likely that someone else will be able to help you find your good clients. If someone else can make contacts with reporters, you can, too. And one of the main advantages of this field over others, such as medical transcription, is that we don't have to deal with a middleman; we can negotiate with court reporters directly, leading to good working relationships for both parties.


Judy Barrett


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