1. It was scheduled to start at 11:00 a.m. We didn’t start until 12:45. I worked that entire hour and 45 minutes on the phone with LiveNote support trying to figure out why I couldn’t hook up.
2. My witness had a strong Indian accent.
3. He was on the phone in India.
4. He said about a million Indian names very, very fast.
5. Because he was on the phone, he couldn’t hear me when I’d interrupt him, forcing me to scream.
6. The conference room was a table in a wide open area that was actually a hallway with people coming and going and making noise all day.
7. I didn’t get to eat lunch, and we only had one break in the three hours we were on the record.
8. I spent an hour after the depo trying to get all my questions answered.
9. Favorite part of the day? This quote:
A Am I too fast?
Q She's just having trouble with the words.
A Okay.
Q But that's okay. Go ahead.
10. Second favorite part of the day? This quote:
“Can I get a rough draft emailed tonight?”